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Michael took his Audi key and went to his company. He drove too fast. There was a photo of Mikey & Sara next to the odometer and he reminded what is written on the other side of this.

Don't drive too fast. Somebody loves you.

Michael slowed down immeditaly and still thought about new projects in the company. He was overworked but all the time he tried to find time for family.
In the meantime Sara woke up. She noticed origami crane on the bedside cabinet. She smiled the way she smiled when she received a paper rose. There was a message inside. It wasn't coded. Normal letters. Michael doesn't have to hide his feelings anymore.

'Now I know that days exist only so
I could come back to you with each golden night. I don't know words that make any more sense.
I'm sure of only one thing today
to always be where you are'

'Moving' she thought 'He is still the man I met in Fox River. He hasn't changed at all.' She got up and put the origami into the pocket.

-Mikey, get up, baby. We're almost late.
-I don't wanna go.
-Are you afraid of Math or what? Daddy explained you everything.
-No, I understand everything but... I don't wanna talk with my classmates... I don't wanna hear what they talk.
-What do they talk, baby?
-That my father is bad man and..
-Mikey, we talked about it. Don't listen to them. You know that your father is good man and he loves us more than everything.

Mikey nodded but she could see tears in  angel's eyes. Sara was sorry too.

'Children can be more savage than adults but they talk what they hear from parents' she thought.

-Let's go, baby. Don't worry. I'll call daddy and I'll say him to pick you up from school, ok?
-Ok, mom. Love you.
-I love you too.
She kissed Mike's forehead.

-You're driving faster than dad.
-Yeah, sorry. I need to slow down.
-But I like it.

Michael had a lot of work. He didn't know what he should do first. Accidentally his phone rang.
*one day I'm gonna throw away this fucking phone*

-Hello. It's Mr. Scofield I can't talk now. Leave message.
-Ok, Mr. Scofield. Tell my husband to call later.
-Oh sorry. It's you, honey.
-Yeah. It's me.
-I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.
-Hahaha, you're very funny. I have a question. Can you pick up Mikey from the school? I think he needs to talk with you. He was very sad. He's gonna tell you what is going on.
-Ok, no problem. I'll do my stuff and I'm gonna do it... hello? hello? Can you hear me?

He put the phone back but it rang again.
-Honey, I think something cut off our conversation. I just wanna say you were amazing yesterday. Your body...
-Mr. Scofield...? It's Mikey's teacher.
-*Fuck* ... Yes. Hello. What is going on? Is he ok?
-He is ok but his classmate isn't.
-So why are you calling me?
-Mikey broke his classmate's nose. It wasn't an accident. I think he did it consciously. Mikey doesn't want to say anything.

Michael catched the head. *Why sonny why?*
-I'm going to school. I'll be there in few minutes.

Michael wasn't angry. He knew that something is going on. Mikey has never hit somebody. He knew how bad violence is.

-Good morning. I'm Michael Scofield. I've heard what happened and I'm really worry about it.
-I'll bring Mikey here.
Mikey looked only at dad and said nothing. Michael saw what is going on. He noticed pain in his eyes.

-I'm so sorry. I'm going to talk with Mikey. I told him many times that violence is not...
-Maybe, you didn't explain it so well, Mr. Scofield. I advise you to take care of upbringing. You can bring him home. Maybe he starts to talk again.
*stupid bitch. Until you say something about my son... never mind*

Michael hold his son hand.
-Let's go to the car. You're gonna tell me what the hell is going on.

Mikey was a little scared.
-Emm... Mike, I know that something bad is happening. I wanna hear from you why you did it. What did he tell you?
-I was very angry. Everyone tells you're a murder. But I got used to it. You're the best dad in the world. I don't wanna you leave.
-I'm not gonna leave. You know... Past is past. Now is now. I didn't hurt anybody without a reason. Sometimes you need to protect yourself and your friends.
-Jack from my class is the worst. He keep telling bad things about you every day but when I wadms ignoring him he started to say things about mom. He said very bad word. First letter is W, second is H, third is O...
-Don't finish. I would break his nose too and forget what I've already said.

Mikey started to cry.
-Don't cry - Michael hugged him
If something is going on... Always first tell me. Don't fix it like this.

Little angel nodded.
-Wolves don't lose sleep over the opinion...
-of sheep.
Mikey smiled finally.

-You said me to respect mom. But when somebody doesn't respect my mom I don't respect him.
-You're right, baby. Now we're going home. You'll stay for a minute in the car and I'll talk with mom, ok?

They came back home. Sara was furious.
-Where is Mike? He will be not allowed to use phone, watch TV, play football...
-Calm down, calm down, Sara. I'll tell you everything.
Michael explained Sara what happened.

-I can't believe (Sara shaked head) People are savage.
-Don't worry. We have each other. We're family. If somebody makes imperfect choices we're gonna help him. That's what family is for.

They hugged each other.
-I'll bring Mikey from the car. Don't scream.
-Ok, Michael.

Michael took his son into arms and said nothing.
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I disappointed you.
-Stop, baby. We all do mistakes. Just promise me that will never happen again.
-I promise.
- I'll leave everything to help you. You're not alone. 
-You're the best dad and mom is the best mom and uncle Lincoln is the best uncle and auntie...
-Hahahaha enough. We're the best family in Ithaca, New York.
-Not only in Ithaca.

Michael stroked his sonny boy.
-I'll talk with Jack's parents. It will be fun.
-Nothing, baby.

-Come, my men. Dinner is ready.

-High five, baby. Now you're real man. You know how to manage with problems. Still don't let insult your mother. Then they will have to meet with me...
-What if I won't know how to manage...
-Just have a little...

There Is a Boy Ithaca, New York Where stories live. Discover now