Big brother

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Breakfast. Scofield's house.

-Daddy, I have Science homework. Name few different names of venomous snake...
Lincoln said smiling. Michael spit out water during drinking and started to laugh.

Mikey wrote it down.

-Mikey, no, no, no. Wait. Don't write it. Cross it out. We're kidding.

Sara put sandwiches on the table.
-Do you always gotta make fun of Jacob next to Mikey?

But Sara looked amused.
-Come on. I still don't have my homework. I need to leave in 15 minutes.
-Write fast, sonny. Adder, cobra and tiger grass snake.
-Thanks. Dad, if it's wrong I kill you.
-And I'll take your phone.
-Ok. I take that back.

Mickey laughed and hugged his dad. Accidentally Michael's phone rang. It was unknown number.
-What's up, Michelangelo?
-What do you want, T-Bag?
-Easy, peasy, lemon, squeezy. I'm peaceful, resurrected Pretty.
-It's hard to believe.
-Seriously. I think you should care. Jake the snake is free.
-I saw him ssssnaking on New York streets. I think he is on leave.
-If you're playing me...
-I don't have reasons.
-Maybe. I'll find out. Thanks.

Scofield hanged up the phone.
-Who was that, Michael?

Lincoln was very surprised.

-What the hell he wanna?
-I'll call you, Linc. No time to talk about it now.
-Ok. I'm moving to Chicago. I'll give Mikey a lift to the school.
-Thanks, bro. For everything. Not only for that. Good luck with Sheba.

They hugged like always.

-Let's go, uncle!

Lincoln gave Mike a piggyback.
-Let's go, buddy!
-Take an eye for him, Linc. I need to find out what is going on.
-I'm waiting.
-Let me know if you get home.

Michael stroked son's hair.
-Be polite, Mikey.
-I will.

Sara came to Michael.
-We're alone...
-Not completly, Sara.
-Yeah, right. Our another baby. Ours...

She kissed him.

-Who called you, Michael?
-You won't believe.

Michael sit down.
-Our Teddy...
-What? Are you serious?
-The thing is that it's not about T-Bag.
It's about Jacob. He is probably on leave.

Sara raised eyebrows.
-You can't get upset, Sara.
-I know but... We need to pick up Mikey.
-I'll do it later. Let's not make waves.
-Ok. I'm worried if he is free...
-Nobody is gonna hurt you. I swear to God.

Sara looked down.
-Honey, look at me. No one can be allowed to stand in our way, ok?
-Our kids and their happiness is the most important now. Let's watch a movie. We'll get some rest.
-Ok. I absolutly need it.

They ate popcorn and relished free time together.
-Sara, it's 1 a.m. I'm going to pick up Mikey
-Ok. I'll lock the door.
-Be safe. You and my little princess.
-Hehehe princess...

She chuckled.
-I'm pretty sure it will be a girl.
-If you say that...

Michael winked and Sara closed the door. She was afraid because she knew that Jacob is free in the city. After he did she didn't want to see his face again.

Scofield went to the school. He was waiting for the son on the parking and he noticed a man with black sweatshirt and sunglasses. The man looked familiar.

'Jacob... not Jacob. I'm touchy. Better I'll go closer the door.'

Mikey left his school.
-Hey daddy! How was your day?
-Hi, good.

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