Chapter 7

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Cashane's POV

Today didn't feel right. All day i felt like someone was watching me. Like at lunch i decided to walk to McDonald's but on the way there was an all black Toyota following me. It was really suspicious so i texted Kenneth and Marcus telling them whats up.

Me: there is an all black Toyota following me, shit it's kinda weird

K.killa: ik one was following me this morning

Matrix: me too, ima have Darell look into it

Me: ight

Unknown's POV

I  watched that bitch ass nigga Cash get off the phone with Killa, and Matrix. The whole Black Toyota following them was part  my plan. To Get them paranoid to where they cant take the pressure than i attack. I might have to change it up a little because Bitch ass nigga Cash's dumb ass mama done ran away.

That bitch gets on my fucking nerves! Always trying to run away. Like bitch sit you ass down and be a good little hoe, but no she just had to go run away and make everything even worse for herself.

"hey daddy" Ashleigh said sitting in my lap

"the fuck you want" I asked

"When is your so called plan going to start "she asked

"don't fucking worry bitch" I yelled

" why you gotta be so mean baby, I do everything you ask me to and your still mean. I suck your dick, I let you invite your friends! But yet your still so mean to me." She yelled as she cried

This bitch is starting to piss me off. I just want to slit her throat but that would ruin my whole plan. When she noticed that i wasn't going to answer. She walked out of the room, which is good for me. 3 more weeks  than i can have Killa, Matrix and bitch ass nigga Cash's head on my wall. Oh and i might just make his lil girlfriend my personal fuck buddy. I'll have fun with her.
















Hi y'all

How was the chapter

If there was any mistakes, tell me so I could fix it

I know its a short chapter, sorry

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Alright byee~Jah-naé

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