Chapter 1: Family

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Author's note:
Hi guys if you're reading this I want to personally thank you for taking the time to read this. Feel free to leave comments I want to make this story as best as it can be.

     She could see her breath as she panted. All she could do was run. She had been running for weeks but she finally managed to lose her pursuers. She didn't know where she was but it was somewhere on the Mestian mountain range. She wanted to rest, she was so tired her legs shook but she couldn't stop now. Not if she wanted her pursuers to catch her. So she kept walking, The cold air and the snowy ground didn't bother her, she was an Ice wizard.

After what felt like hours and on the brink of exhaustion she saw it. Light. It was a village, she was so excited that she started to run again she forgot her exhaustion and ran as fast as she could to the small village. She entered the village and she spotted some residents.

"Help" she called out

But the people only looked at her and kept going on their way.

"Please, help me" she screamed at them

The people only moved faster to get away from her. It was then she realized that no one was coming to help her so she crawled in between two houses and wept. She was too tired and too scared to go anywhere else and in that alleyway she cried herself to sleep.

She didn't know how long she slept but she awoke when no one was around and all the shops were closed. It seemed as if no one was going to help her. Her stomach grumbled.

"I'm starving" she says to no one.

She get up and starts to walk through the town and she comes across a house with a window open on the second floor. She nimbly climbs up the side of the house and sneakily enters through the window only to find herself landing on something. However when she looks to see what she landed on she realizes it more like whom she landed on, a young boy about the same age as her. She just so happened to startle the young boy who was reading late at night.

"Hey?" The little boy says confusingly, "who are you?"

"I'm Izzy" she replies

"Well Izzy, nice to meet ya, I'm Hal" he says as if it's the most normal thing in the world to talk to someone who just broke into your house. " wait a sec." he says suspiciously, " how'd you get in my room?"

"I climbed in through the window" she's answers shyly.

Hal runs to the window and looks down, "whoa" he says with awe, " we've got to be like a million feet off the ground... you climbed all of that?"



"I was hungry"

"Well why didn't ya say so, my mom buys tons of food you want some?"

"Yes please." Izzy said feeling a lot more comfortable around Hal.

So Hal leads Izzy downstairs to his kitchen and opens the fridge, "what'll it be madame?"

"Um just a sandwich please”


Five sandwiches later, Izzy and Hal are sitting at the kitchen table.

"So where's your family" Hal asks.

"Um..." Izzy is a little hesitant to answer so Hal asks even more questions.

"Did they forget about you?"


"Did they not want you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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