Just Plain Old Me

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The leaves grow old as so do we. We walk this earth everyday yet we are still scared of failure and never really living the life that were given to the fullest, always biding by the rules never doing our own thing.

Going to school, to do what learn to work for other people that made it, when are people going to make their own choices in life and understand that it's not all fun and games. Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself my name is Alexis, I'm 16, and I'm that kid in the class that sits at the back wondering when my life will start. I have light brown hair that comes down to my collar bone. I guess I'm considered part of the "popular" group which I never really understood, I guess I should give you some background on me.

When my Biological parents found out that I was a girl they wanted nothing to do with me, my dad always wanted a boy, and well, my mum she just wanted whatever my dad wanted because if you were to disagree with him your life was basically over. Plus, they already have the "perfect" girl so I guess they didn't want another one.

As soon as I was born and was old enough to be away from my mum, I was sent away to what they called the "camp"; which was really nothing to do with camping it was a kid home or an Adoption centre as people call it.

Then as time when on everyone got adopted but me, and to be honest I don't blame them there was never anything that made me different from the others. Except from the fact that I have ADD and Dyslexia. It got to the point where I just gave up coming down when people wanted to come and adopt. In this time that I now had spare I decided to start to learn something new, I knew when I was at school one of the lessons was dance and I liked it.

And now you get to modern time, I do dance competitions every weekend and travel the country. I currently live in the UK and hold the young person's national championship.

Tomorrow was "adoption day" a couple of people where coming to look around, but unfortunately for me I was on a dance comp so another week without getting adopted and being parent-less.

I became the popular girl because everyone wanted to be friends with the girl that was going to go worldwide, personally I never really understood why, but it didn't really bother me so I just left it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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