Day 4-7

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Day 4: May 4th:
Woke up early today for a scheduled phone call meeting with my friends from CrazyBulk. Right after the call I did a hundred reps to start the day. It's a busy day today with lots planned. Photo shoot, gym session, meetings, a full agenda so the goal is to just fit in as many push-ups as I can whenever until I get them finished and out the way.

Sooo much happened. Lots of creative ideas and flows going through. I nearly missed doing all the push-ups but luckily late in the evening I had the stamina(or forced it) to get the last 400 push-ups in for the day. Immediately after finishing I felt like I was ready for bed but instead of resigning to my bedroom for the night it was time to drive out to see bae. My favourite time of all😴

Day 5: May 5:
This morning I woke up with my beautiful girlfriend and instead of busting out some push-ups at first light... we slept in a relaxed in bed for almost half the day.

By the time I did get my day going it was a quick get ready and out the door for the gym session. It's Friday today and that means #SquadLift. (Basically where members of the #squad come together for a gym session) I'm always hyped when there's a squad lift about to happen because the intensity is definitely increased during my workout.

Into the workout and it happens...I remind myself I'm yet to begin my push-ups.

"Well" I though to myself. "You should do some push-ups during this session."

Great idea. Didn't happen. As I'm writing this it's currently 9:52pm. I have two options right now. Take a rest day from the push-ups and use 1000 of my "banked" reps. Or, get a late night push-up set in.

**I also posted a video to Instagram about what supplements I take after the gym. Here it is**

(ATTACHED "what I take after the gym" VIDEO)

Day 6: May 6:
Woke up today ready to slay these 1000 reps, and it turned out that I wasn't going to get off to as hot of start as I thought. I started off having to drive a friend home so when I went to do that it turned into us getting a gym session in together... of course 💪

So here we are in the gym about to start our workout... first workout bench press. I do my first set and I'm thinking to myself, "alright, let's drop 20 reps every set here in the gym today and it'll be a good way to get some of these push-ups done."

So that's exactly what I did...

** Today's workout**

Dumbbell rotations (warmup)
Bench press 4X5 reps
Chest press//trice pushdown 3X10-12 reps
Pec fly machine 3X10 reps
Shoulder press(machine)//dumbbell hammer curls 3 setsXmax reps
-Superset as many sets with 20 push-ups-

240 REPS! That was the number I had completed by the end of my session. Which was such a great workout I must ad, the pump was CRAZY!!

I played around with the idea of doing at least 100 push-ups an hour for the rest of the day until I finished. However, I was afraid I couldn't commit to that, which would end up being the case.

7:58 at night and I realize I am still 700+ from the daily 1000 thinking there's no way I can miss these push-ups 2 days in a row. So right before I had a late dinner I did a couple hundred... had some food... and another couple hundred. I took a break to give my chest a bit of a rest but with the time getting later I knew I couldn't rest for to long.

I received a message from my girlfriend letting me know she was ready for me to come over and I knew that meant go time for the last of my push-ups. So right then and there I dropped down and finished the 1000...

...or so I thought...

One thing I've been doing throughout this adventure is record every (or as many) reps I can. Basically I mis calculated how many I had to do so I talked to the camera and did the push-ups like I had finished. But off camera when I looked and calculated how many I did during the day (I write down all the reps to keep track) I was still 20 reps short. So what do I do? Started the camera up said it like it was, then I ACTUALLY finished off the last of my push-ups.

Day 7: May 7:
Bright and early, suns shining through the window...time to start the day.

10:00am I had meeting to start off my day with a good friend who I'm doing some business with. He wanted to chat about some new ideas and techniques to help us grow and be moving faster with our work. A very productive meeting, which was the start to a very productive day.

11:33am I stop in to my parents house to say hi. After all today it is Sunday and something I think is important is remembering to fit family time into the schedule no matter how busy it is. So while I was there we got to talking about this generation and the opportunity it has with the internet and everything that's out there.

I won't get into it to deep but I do however want to share this with you guys... right now we are living in a time where there is amazing opportunity and a chance for many people to succeed. Everywhere I go I'm hearing successful people talking about how the internet is changing business and the entire entrepreneur world, and I have to agree. It is. You can literally do anything you want in life and be able to connect that to the world through a push of a button. On a hand held device that you carry on you more times then not. That, to me is amazing!

Now... on to the REPS...

Right after I was done preaching about the web to my parents it was go time for some push-ups and boy do I have something to share with you! Today was the day that I successfully did more then 100 push-ups in one set. In fact I did 125 consecutively!! It gets better... I then was able to complete a total of 200 push-ups in just 3 sets.

Not to bad...

I'm finding I am increasing strength and size on a daily basis. The strength I think is coming in just because of the increase of reps in each set I'm doing. The size feels like it's because I'm constantly having a chest pump and I feel like it's building fairly solid. For the first time I've wondered the questions. "How much will I gain from doing this?" I am curious to see what the results are once I've finished this project and to see the results that stay afterwards. Stick around and you'll find out to.

Current REPS: 7400

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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