Day 2

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Hey diary

So today was alright-ish I guess. My cat was missing when I woke up and I found him in my BASEMENT STUCK INSIDE OF THE DRYER!!

WHAT ON EARTH WAS HE DOING THERE!?!? Anyway, I found him and took him upstairs with me and then I logged into boring school.

With my school, you can either take online courses or you can do physical class courses. I of course chose online.

I sacrificed my social life for my education.

So there is some FAILTARD neighbor kid on my block who like totally sucks. We use to be friends until he stole my Megablocks last July.

Worst part was, he left the STUPID BORING LEGOS!

Anyway he was making the WORST bird noises today. Like WHAT THE HECK!?!? WHO MAKES BIRD NOISES LIKE THAT?! AND ON MY TURF!!

I am the KING of bird noises simply because I have RESPECT for the bird dialect. There's owl, blue jay, red Robin, blue Robin, pigeon, penguin, flamingo, uhhhh I forgot the rest but I know A LOT.

I want to meet the cosmic owl sooooo bad. Oh by the way I'm working on a SPACE SHIP. YESSSS AND ACTUAL SPACE SHIP! I used to have a cardboard one but that was pretend. I'm a big boy now so I make REAL stuff!

Yeah, I'm not JUST an awesome writer 😉😉😉.

OH I ALMOST FORGOT AGAIN!!! Today I was sooooo happy. I saw this REALLY cute cat outside my house and I went to go pet it but it RAN! It was SUPER fast. I chased it into these college people and bumped into a girl.

I got a little nervous and I maybe peed myself a BIT. But on the BRIGHT side they all started laughing. Probably because they realized that stupid cat missed out on getting an awesome petting from me.

Alright I'm tired now. I'm gonna go to sleep now bye :D

MY DIARY!!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum