Disaster and Hidding

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"I see, " I said bringing Kaname a cup of tea.

I look at Yuki,  who is poking the pudding I make for Koori.

I sigh.

"That's what happened" Kaname said.

Yuki look at Kaname as Kaname help Yuki eat the pudding.

"Here,  say Ahhhh"
Yuki look at Kaname's mouth and her eyes widen.

She moves slowly forward to Kaname raising her hands.

Yuki's finger touch Kaname's lips.

Kaname open his mouth to show Yuki his fangs.

Yuki touch Kaname's fang and look daze.

Suddenly she move backwards making the pudding fall on the floor.

I anime cried to the fallen pudding.

'Koori-chan would eat this'

Yuki cover her lips looking at Kaname, scared.

Kaname decided to stand up.

"Yuki might have trauma about what happen.She fears me because I have a fangs. Maybe I should go now." Kaname said.

I nod in understand.

I heat the fire more.

While Yuki look at the window feeling longing.

'I wonder what happen to Koori-chan?'


Next Day

(Third POV)

Kaien greeted Kaname and talk about what will happen to Yuki.

"Yeah, about Yuki, she is not allowing me to change her clothes."

"Is that so."

"What should I do to her?"

"and.....Koori-chan didn't go down to eat."

"Koori? the other girl you adopted?"


Yuki heard someone outside.

'What's happening?'

She decided to look through the small opening.

'He is here again'

Kaien walks toward the door and open it.

Kaien look suprise at Yuki's action.

"Kaname! Kaname! Kaname! Look!" Kaien nags Kaname to come over.

Yuki looks at Kaien feeling embarrassed.

Yuki looks at Kaien feeling embarrassed

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