The beginning </3

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"Hontou, hontou"



The girls chatters loudly.

Full of Fan girls and Fan boys swarming in front of the Moon Dormitory.

A short hair girl ran between the crowd".

"Hey don't push!"


The girl stop in front of the dorm facing the fan girls or you can called them "Day Class students. "Day class 

"Alright, alright, step back, everyone!" The short brown hair girl said to the crowd.

"It's past curfew for everyone in the Day class. Return to your dorms!"

"You only saying that because you want the Night class all to yourself, Isn't that right, Cross-san?" One of the girls said in annoyance. 

Other girl back up"Just because you're the headmaster unfair!"

"Your other sister, Koori, doesn't do things like you do! You're the one who want to hog out all the night class attention, Yuki!"

 "Nge!"The short brown hair girl or "Yuki" step backward. "That's not true!"

"I'm only doing my job as a prefect-" 

"Aidou-senpai ,over her!"

A swarm of fan girls move towards Yuki. (I got tired referring her as a short brown hair girl. -_-')

" I said, No"

Yuki push them all backward as hard as she can.

Then the moon dorm gates open.

"Ah!" Yuki look back in panic.

"I didn't make it in time again...." 


Yuki look at her front and shout in surprise "Haaa???" 

The Fan girls line up properly

"Go ahead," Yuki said moving at side.

"Ahhhhhh..."The girls whisper in adoration.

The night class.....

"Ohayo, ladies!" Aidou said happily. "I hear you. Everyone is in high spirits and looking cute today...." 

"Even you Koori-chan~" Aidou said seductively approaching Koori, who is looking at them boredly. 

"Aidou Hanabusa,  please go to your class without trouble" Koori wrote tiredly.

"The rest of Night class too. "
After that she walk away silently.

Aidou look at her smiling amusely.
"I like her, I wonder what is her blood type? "

Yuki look at Koori's figure walking away.  'Koori-chan is a prefect like me but she doesn't know that vampire exist and there's a lot in our school,  the night class'

"Idol,er...Aidou-senpai... " A fan girl mutter while blushing.

Aidou seems to like it.
He wave at the girl.

"Hanabusa. " A carrot (orange)hair boy warn Aidou.

"Stop worrying,  Akatsuki.  You're too uptight. "

Awakening of Koori (Love story of?)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt