The Super Amazing Super Team Chapter 1

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"Why bats, Mr Wayne?"

"Bats frighten me, it's time for enemies to share my dread."

The movie pauses. Noises of surprise come out of the members' mouths.

"Hey! What was that for?!" questions Winthorpe as Bill, the leader, stands up.

"I just want to say... we should fix our eyes on lord Alfred of Batmannington, for he is very..."

"Very What?" asks Jim



A call comes from the kitchen, it's Bill's mum.

"Welp," says Bill. "Time for pie!"

They all rush from the treehouse, into the back door and grab a slice of pie. They all sat down at the dining table. Bill's mum grabs a slice of her raspberry pie and sits with the others.

"So Bill," She says. "It's your birthday this Monday and I was wondering..."

"Wondering what mum?" Billy intriguingly asks.

The others became intrigued and looked up at Mrs Smith.

"I was wondering... well... you're turning 48 and... uh.. I want grandchildren!"


Bill is quite annoyed, he thinks he is a 12-year-old stuck in a 47-year-old body.

"Yeah, I know, but I still want grandkids..."

After that incident, it was quite awkward at the table. All you could hear was them chewing and swallowing the pie. Jim was the first one to finish followed shortly after by Winthorpe.

"So, where do we put the dishes?" Jim asks.

"Don't worry luv, just leave it on the table"

"Well," Winthorpe said. "I think it's time to get back to my wife and kids."

Bill stands up and shakes Winthorpe's hand.

"We'll see you tomorrow Winthorpe!" he says.

"I can't do it tomorrow... It's my 25th wedding anniversary."

"Congratulations!" Jim says.

"Thanks, Jim,"

"But you have to be here!" Bill retorted. "We have to save the world!"

"Bill, It's only one day... and I don't have a good relationship with my kids, my wife thinks I'm working and I getting welfare payments, can I please just get ONE day?"

"And I'll be here!" Jim optimistically said.

"I guess you can go for one day Winthorpe... And thank you, Jim, for keeping me sane."


"Well, I'll see you tomorrow as THE SUPER AMAZING SUPER TEAM REUNITE!!"


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