The Super Amazing Super Team Chapter 2

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"This feels... weird..." Bill says as they sat on the bean bags up in the tree house. The team had been together for ten years now and It was the first time Winthorpe hadn't been there (without pre-planning it first) so they were quite nervous.


"Oh my gosh, the hacked police radio system we have hasn't gone off in weeks!" Jim was so surprised, he was the 'radio controller' of the group and his skills hadn't been used in a while. 


 "We have to go now!" Bill yelled.

"But I can't get into my spandex!"

"Too bad!"

They climbed down their treehouse then rush to their cardboard-plated car and hop inside. "Let's go," Bill said as he pushes the car key into the ignition.

"Wait a second." 

"What Jim? We have to go now"


"Geez why are you so careful"


"Oh, crap..." 

"What what is it?" Bill asked.

"Well, if my binoculars are deceiving me, there are at least 50 cop cars lined up along the street near the bank."

"Let me have a look"

Bill snatches Jim's binoculars and looks down the street, Will quickly grabs hold of the wheel to keep the car from swerving off road.

"Huh, these binoculars aren't deceiving you," Bill exclaims as he passes the binoculars back to Will and grabs the steering wheel.

As they continue down the street, they get cut off by a police officer and a detour sign. Bill rolled down his window to talk to the officer.

"What the hell is this for?"

"There is an unwanted situation up ahead at the bank, so please follow the detour signs."

"But we have to help! We are the Super Amazing Super Team!"

At this point Will was super embarrassed he was trying to get him to stop.

"Okay... Well, I can't allow you to do that Sir, we don't allow civilians to enter the scene because of safety reasons."

Bill was just about to open his car door to speak to the officer in a more 'one on one' manner, but Will stopped him just in time.

"Bill, just listen to him plus I have to go to the DMV anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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