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Friday, 25th April 2014

Today's a normal day as usual.

This is my fifth month after being back in my hometown.

I've been working in my dad's coffeehouse, namely 'Coffeelicious', a week after I got back.

There's something about coffeehouses. It's either the ambience or the aroma of the coffee.

Today, there were many customers.

There were the regular customers, 'Ang Mo' and 'Tauke'. Obviously, those aren't their real name. We just made up their name for them.

Owh. There's a lady as well. 'Audi Girl'. Haaaaahh~~ Why Audi Girl you ask? It's because she rides an Audi R8 GT. She's so stunning. She has a sweet, pure aura around her which makes me just want to get to know her.

It's her eighteenth day coming here.

She ordered the same drink as usual today. Latte.

I'll give her different latte art every time.

The first art was tulip.

Till yesterday, I still hadn't spoken to her. Ever. Not a single word.

Not today. Today, I toughened up.

I sent her order to her table and said hi.

Today's art was a heart which had 'Hi' on it.

I turned and walked away as fast as I could.

When she's done and on her way out, she talked to James and asked,

"Did you make those coffee I've drank daily?"

James denied and pointed at me.

She told me,

"I like what you did with the coffee. You know, the art thingy. It's cute."

Me being me, I said,

"Owh. Thank you."

And continued working. It's all because I was nervous. I wanted to talk to her more WITHOUT stuttering.

That's the answer to 'How was my day?'

I still can't believe that I just answered her so short.

Why Bryan Why?!!!!

Erghhhh! I could have said more, like "Owh. Glad that you like it. Thank you for the compliment." or "Thank you. You should come here more often. I can make more latte arts for you."

I guess I'm hopeless.

James was right.

BARISTA'S LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora