Sug.....I Mean Yoongi

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Small mention of one offensive word

Dante's Pov
I was relaxing during my off period at school.  Relaxing outside hearing the excited laughs and heavy talks in Korean.

I don't like being at school at all. I can't connect with no one. It's my last year but still.  I had my back leaning on the tree trunk a breeze going by a bit making me less hot.

I really wanted some food right now. I smiled a bit looking down at my covered belly by my teenage mutant ninja turtle shirt.

"You sure can eat little one huh?"  I asked amused while rubbing my belly with a small laugh.

I leaned my head back "just a little while till I turn eighteen maybe I'll give birth to you on my birthday." I teased talking to the baby.

"Now that would be cool and odd or maybe you'll be born on your dad's,"  I whispered a bit sad.

I sighed a bit and looked up when a group of boys walked by laughing loudly.

"Look its the faggot."  one snickered loudly I rolled my eyes the only English name they know I thought amused when the walked away laughing.

I was startled a bit when my phone went off and I grabbed my phone looking confused.

"Why is he calling now?"  I whispered.

I answered lifting to rest on my ear looking left and right.

"Hello,"  I called confused.

"Dante." I heard Suga exclaim scaring me.

"What?"  I exclaimed backed scared.

"Why not answer,"  he called angrily.

"What do you mean this is the first call,"  I exclaimed at him.

"No I called four times,"  he argued.

I sighed heavy "my phone has been on silent all day."  I called to he hummed a bit annoyed.

"I thought we agree when I call you to answer right away,"  he called.

I started laughing "why should that rule apply when I call you, you don't answer."  I argued.

"Because I'm busy sometimes sleep."  was Suga's excuses I hummed.

"Or you're with a fling,"  I called he grunted a bit.

"Why does it matter what I do,"  Suga called confused to me.

"Well if that's the case what if I ran into traffic,"  I called putting my point out.

"You know you wouldn't do something stupid like that., Suga called panicked I snickered a bit looking down at my belly still rubbing it.

"It's not fair Suga,"  I called and he hummed.

"Life isn't fair its not my fault you're too young."  He shot out.

I rolled my eyes "what's the reason you called?"  I asked curiously.

"Checking up on you and the baby,"  Suga called I could hear shuffling around the place he was.

"Did you take those vitamins I got?" he asked curiously my face scrunched up hard.

"Eww Suga I hate them, they taste like fish and oil,"  I exclaimed.

"I paid about 50 won for those more then I would on anything,"   Suga called annoyed.

I stood up with a small grunt my lower back hurting and I held my back a bit grabbing my bag.

"What's wrong you okay do I need to get out there to Daegu?" he asked fast.

I pulled my phone away at how odd but cute he was acting.

"I just got up off the grass I'm fine and no you don't you said to keep a low profile you're acting weird Suga,"  I called starting to walk to head to the library.

"I should be worried about the baby are you saying I shouldn't."  he snapped.

"No that's not what I am saying,"  I reassured calmly.

"Why are you getting angry."  I shot to him.  He sighed heavy and my gaze soften.

"I've just been stressed that's all I told you to stop calling me Suga," he called and I blinked looking at my vans.

"What do you want me to call you then."  I joked when Suga chuckled a bit.

"My real name will be a good start yeah," he suggested.

I clicked my tongue a bit looking to the side and stop walking.

"Thank you for checking up on the baby Yoongi,"  I said hearing him chuckle softly.

"That's better Dante."  he sounding relax I chuckled a bit.

"Don't work too hard Yoongi class starts in ten minutes if you're not busy later I'll call you when I get home,"  I suggested.

Yoongi hummed "sounds good be careful."  he called and we both called bye.

I looked at my phone a bit with a small on my face. Ever since the ultrasound a few weeks back, Suga has been acting well different and I'm not complaining at all its good to see a difference.

"That was odd,"  I whispered but it felt a bit nice Sug... I mean Yoongi is cute when annoyed and protective as well.

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