Prologue (Kim Hana's weird dream)

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.... It was very dark and foggy that I could barely see anything. I couldn't even remember how I ended up being in this unfamiliar quiet place which was too scary for me. There was completely no sign of people around and no familiar sound, except for spooky sounds.

I wondered, how could I escape from this eerie place? My legs were shaking as I tried to get up from lying down. Slowly, I searched in the dark, groping around the fogs to find the way out. However, no matter how much I tried, I still ended up standing on the same place. I was frantic.

"Mum!! Dad!!"

I kept screaming my parents' name, hoping that they could at least hear my voice.


There was only the echo of my voice. My knees felt very weak. Instinctively, I crouched down and buried my face in my palms. Summoning all the fears in myself, I began to cry at that very moment. I cry and cry to the point that my body reached its limit. I stayed there and kept silence.

After an hour of sitting still, suddenly I heard faint sound of footsteps. The sound became clearer and clearer to my listening.

Who could that be? I didn't know what to feel. Should I be thankful? Should I be scared? Should I be happy? Those thoughts lingering in my head as the footsteps coming closer towards me.

Gathering my last bit of energy and courage, I wiped my tears and got up. There was a little hope in me that wish my savior would appear and bring me out.

At that very moment, the part of fogs infront of me parted slowly as if wanting to let me know that someone was there.

"Help me" I murmured to the silhouette of humans behind those fogs.

Slowly, a big part of fogs that covered those silhouette began to dissolve, and tiny bit of light began to shine the place out of nowhere.

I could clearly see three persons appeared behind the fogs. Two of the persons were very familiar figures. They were my mum and dad. They smiled at me and I smiled back. I was happy for a while until I saw the another person between them... W-who was that? The man was holding my parents' hands. I couldn't see his face because it was covered by the fog.

I went closer to see his face up close. All I could see was only the two visible moles above his left side eye, thanks to the grain of light from nowhere. Before I could even say anything, suddenly all the figures disappeared just like that.

I gasped. What just happened?...





*Narrator's P.O.V*

"MUM! DAD!" She gasped and jolted until she realised that she was actually in her bedroom and she was just having a nightmare. She woke up finding herself drenched in sweat. She was relieved but panic at the same time.

"Phew. What was all of that? It felt so real" she murmured.

"And who was that guy between my parents? Is that a bad sign?" Her chest was still rising and falling from searching for air to breath.

Since that day, a curiousity was created in her mind and she continuosly had dreams about that two eyed moles.

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