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A smiling five-year-old ran around in the large front yard of a lovely home an older lady and man sitting on the porch of the house on a bench swing. The little girl ran up to the two in her hands and baby bunny with brown fur. The two chuckled as the little girl begged to keep it.

"Okay, okay but we need to get the things to care for him" the lady smiled at the girl

The little girl smiled her red hair in a braid down her back her forest green eye shinned with happiness and joy. While her right pale cloudy blue eyes stayed dull but still shined of joy the man grabbed a box and she put the small animal inside. Walking down to a light blue old fashion pick up truck the small girl holding the box on her lap. The man in front on the drivers side the lady beside him.

The lady shared the girl's red hair but a shade brighter the man had brown hair as he shared the girl's green eyes but a bit darker a deep forest green. The lady had bright sky blue eyes they drove out the driveway and down the road into a small town. They seem to stick out but ignored it they drove up to a parking lot and parked in a lot not far from the store door. They walked in the girl had the box with the bunny in hand as she followed.

"Welcome" an employee smiled to them

They nod in return and went to look around the girl staying with the lady.

"Mama can we get this one," the girl asked pointing to a purple rabbit cage

"Sure go get the food and bowls okay," she asked with a sweet smile

The girl nod and ran to the isle with pet food and bowls she grabbed a bag of food with a black and white rabbit on it. She grabbed a green bowl and a blue one and ran back giving the things to her mom. The man walked back up with a smile and a bag of bedding for the cage and a water bottle for the bunny to drink from. They went to the front desk paid for the things and a man walked out from a door with 'vet' on it. He led them into the room and took the small bunny out the box.

"A few shots and you should be to go" the man smiled kindly

the girl jumped up and down smiling she sat waiting after a few minutes the vet gave them the bunny back and they headed home. When they got back there were a group of suited men on their porch.

"Mama, Da who are they," the little girl asked

"Stay here sweety," her dad told her and got out of the car walking up to the men

The girl sat there watching as her dad spoke to the men he seemed to get angry with them quickly but calmed as her mom put a hand on his shoulder. Her mom nod but came back to the truck and pulled her daughter out of the back seat.

"Mama what's going on," she asked confused

"Mama needs to go for a while, okay but I promise you I will be back to see you become a big beautiful lady okay" she nod and hugged her mom.

Sometimes her mom left now and then but all she knew was she would be back in a few weeks but that wasn't happening this time. Her mom got in a car with the men her dad picked her up as they waved by as the black car left. She had learned not to cry when her mom leaves but something rubbed her the wrong way wanting her to burst into tears.


Waking up I click the snooze on my alarm hoping not to wake anyone else with a sigh I got up and stood from the old bed on the cement floor. With a quick stretch, I walked to the tiny bathroom just a sink and stand in the shower with no doors or curtains and a bucket think you can figure that's for. Walking to the skin I looked in the mirror and sighed grabbing the makeup kit I had and covered the bruises on my face and neck. Pulling my waist long hair to my right I braid it and use my bandana to tie off the end putting in a black rose. A rose I got from my mom's grandparents the late king and queen of the elves. Yes, I said, the late king and queen of the elves were my grandparents and that yed would make my royalty.

His half blind hybrid (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now