Holy shit.

12 1 1


The way to library suddenly felt too long. After 5 whole minutes of walking, we reached the library.

"Spill." I ordered Crystal, jumping straight to the point.

"Okay.", She took a deep breath, "what I'm about to say might get you to scream. But please contain your excitement."

"Fucking tell me Crystal." I said, swearing.

She understood she's reached my patience point, since I usually don't swear.

"Fine woman. Calm your tits."

I just glared at her.

"Okay. So as you know I've been in love with Edward since primary-"

"No shit Sherlock.", I said sarcastically, interrupting her.

"If you could just let me speak." She snapped.

Well then.

"So as I was saying, I almost lost the hope that I'll ever get a chance with him. But, today everything changed. He just passed a note to me in geography class." She narrated, pulling out what seems like the note Edward gave her.

It read:

Your smile lights up the whole room.
And maybe I want that light with me in the Fresher's dance.

Will you be my date?


"Okay so technically, he didn't ask you out to be his girlfriend, but he asked you out." I said consuming everything.

"No shit Sherlock." Crystal said, copying me.

"You got lucky Crystal. Don't let this opportunity slide." I said to her truthfully.

I mean who would miss the opportunity of going to Fresher's dance with their crush?

Not me.


After about 15 minutes of Crystal squealing and talking about how she's going to do her hair, and how her dress is going to be, the bell rings.

Thank you Lord.

"See ya later Crystal bear. I gotta go to class." I yelled running for my next class, with the librarian glaring at me.

"Yeah yeah." She said waving her hands in an attempt to shoo me off.

Running towards my locker, I saw Lucas. He was arguing about something with Edward, looking just about to kill someone.

I didn't realize I was staring at him for a little too long, until he started walking towards me. Scared, I lowered my graze to the ground, my sneakers being more interesting than anything.

Sparing me a glance, he rushed past and out of the school gates with Edward hot on his heals. Just on que, the bell rang, signalling the class has began.

I'm so gone.

I rushed across the empty hallways and to my next class, which was by luck, physics. Slamming the door open, my eyes met with Mr. Summer's.

"Ms. Woods, is there any valid reason why you're late?", Mr. Summer's asked me, sounding surprised as I'm never late to class.

"I'm sorry sir. I was in library, and didn't hear the bell.", I lied, lowering my head.

"Since this is the first time, I'm letting this pass. Go to your seat Ms. Woods.", He said, dismissing me.

I walked to my seat, with every eye in the class judging my every move, not helping with my anxiety.

Much to my surprise, during half of the lesson, Lucas Adams had the guts to walk in the class. Behind him, there were two of his best friends - Edward Parker and Noah Smith.

The trio walked in the class with absolutely no care in the world. And Mr. Summer's didn't even say a word to them.


After a two minute pause, Mr.Summer's resumed what he was teaching, Newton's Law. As usual, I got interested in the lamest of things except for what the teacher is teaching.

My newfound interest was the paperball one threw at the girl beside me. She got slightly angry at no one in particular. Her eyes showed anger, she could just murder the culprit then and there, who distracted her from the Newton's Law going on in class.

Eventually, the bell rang and everyone filled out of the class and in the hallway.

I ran towards my locker and put all my books in. Then, I started walking towards school exit.

Being clumsy, I slipped on my own shoe lace, and started falling face first. Shutting my eyes, I waited for the impact of my face on the tiles. But, nothing happened.

Instead, I felt an arm snaking up my waist, preventing my face to land on those tiles. Opening my eyes, I steadied myself and looked up.

What I saw, left me in complete awe. There, standing was a guy with blonde hair and deep brown eyes. Weird combination, I thought.

"You okay there?", He asked me sounding concerned.

"Huh? Yeah. I -- I'm okay. Thank you for uh, saving me?", I stuttered.

Way to go Chole. Now, he probably thinks you're some weirdo.

"You sure?", He asked chuckling.

"Uh, yeah yeah. I'm okay. Just, wasn't looking where I was going.", I explained, somewhat flushed.

"Happens.", He said while pulling out his hand. "I'm Jeff Ryder."

"Chole Woods", I introduced myself, shaking his hand.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Jeff said smiling.

He called me BEAUTIFUL.

"Uh, Thankyou.", I said. And, here comes the blushing.

"Are you new here?" I asked, "because like I've never seen you here before."

"Yeah. I started today."

"Ohh. Liked Willson High School so far?" , I asked chucking.

"Oh, from now on, definitely.", He said and winked.

"Are you hitting on me, mister?", I fake gasped.

"Trying to do so.", He said laughing.

I soon joined him in the laughter.

"Well, flirty boy, I gotta go. Cya." , I told him walking backwards.

"Surely madam." He joked, bowing slighty in front of me.

I turned around and made my way towards Crystal's car.

Hey?? Hey.

I know I'm late, but I was having doubts regarding this story. And hence, the short chapter.

How many of you want me to continue with this book?

I'm waiting for your answers.

~A n d y.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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