Chapter 26- The L Word

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As soon as the words left my mouth it felt as if everything just stopped. Including my breathing.

"You're what?" Louis whispered, a look of sheer shock on his face.

"I'm in love with her." The more I said it, the lighter my chest felt. "I'm in bloody love with her."

I felt like I should be wearing a big stupid grin on my face but I couldn't help but feel like I just confessed I had murdered someone. Because the look on my best mates face was not what it should look like.

"You are in love with her?" He said slowly, his words falling out of his mouth reluctantly. "Oh god."

He stepped back a few steps and put his hands on his head.

After a few minutes of silence he just came over and stood me up. "If you're truly in love with her nothing I say, or anything any of the other lads say, will stop you from doing what you're going to do." He pulled me into a quick brisk hug before walking me back near the party. We walked into the house and found where everyone had moved too. "You showed him, huh?" Niall questioned as we walked back over solemnly.

I just nodded and sat down, Louis handing me a beer. I was trying not to think about it because I know if I did I would run into the other room and beat Mason to a pulp.

"I need a stronger fucking drink." I groaned, standing up and heading to the kitchen.

"Sorry." A muffled voice said as the body slammed into me from behind the kitchen door.

I looked down to find my beautiful grey eyed girl with a full face of make up that made her look much older and much fucking sexie-

"Oh, hey." She stepped back and her face fell. "Uh, how are y-"

"Shut up." I snapped and she jumped back a bit, her features faltering. "What the hell, Madeline?" Everything was rising up in me but then I remembered Louis.

But then right after that I remembered I loved her.

I took a deep breath and in an effort to not escalate everything at this party by a million I walked past her and into the kitchen.

I need more alcohol.

That always fixes everything, right?


Another hour into the party and everyone's feeling loose and drunk.

I, myself, am feeling drunker than I have in a long time.

The music was taken over by a much better DJ and everyone was feeling good.

The song switched to some Rhianna song and all the girls seemed to have a switched turned on.

All the girls with the booze pumping through their system began to get into a song that honestly sounded extremely hot and I'd be lying if some of the girls dancing to this weren't looking very, very fuckable.

I sat back as Louis handed me yet another beer, all of us sitting on the couch watching everyone drunkenly dance.

I chuckled as Louis nudged me, pointing to a sexy red head dancing with her friends. He was always one for fire.

When I turned back I saw Mason pushing his tall ass through the crowd, his arm outstretched behind him and Madeline being tugged along. They stopped and Mason grabbed her, turning her around and beginning to dance with her.

He was whispering in her ear and she was smiling not even noticing I was sitting here watching her.

I saw his arms tighten around her, his face burying deeper into her neck. The music was blaring and so was my head. It was taking everything in me not to jump off the couch and cause a scene.

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