Part 1: The Nightmare

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The night was doomed. The thunder roared furiously and the lightning was striking violently everywhere. The thunderstorm was like a monster stirring in the night sky. The trees were smashing each other because of the strong wind.

She was walking hurriedly but she felt so worried and aghast. " Oh damn! damn! damn it! Why now? I am so damn cold." She exhaled. She walked like she's heading into a maze. It's too dark. She stopped suddenly. She heard some footsteps behind her. She turned her gaze back but the sound of footsteps were gone. " Somebody in there?! She yelled with fear but nobody answered. She continued to walk in speed this time. " Oh God please...please... huh?" She heard some footsteps behind her again and this time it was cleared that there are some whispering voices but she can't tell how many voices were those. She looked back for the second time and nobody but some shadows reflected every time the lightning strikes. A sudden fear struck her whole body. She could not move. The shadows moved from its hiding places and slowly revealed the possessors. She tried to go back to her senses but she can not believe what she saw.

She started to run as fast as she could but her legs and feet were numb and heavy.''Oh God!!!! Somebody! Somebody help me!"She yelled desperately. Please!!! Somebody help me!!! She cried helplessly. The four shadows were following her in fast pace this time. The possessors had huge build but their image was not clear. She kept on running with might. Trying to restore her strength and courage to escape from the possessors of the shadows. She did not know how far she went . She stopped and made a quick look around. She's in the middle of the vehicle junk yard now. She's so soaked, cold, and exhausted. When she turned back she saw the four shadow possessors coming." Oh God they're coming." She whispered with fear. A huge lightning struck again and revealed the identity of the shadow possessors in the dark. They were four men in a huge built, wearing soaked shirts and jeans. They almost had same height. Two men were about in their 40s and the other two were on their mid 30s. Her eyes drew fears and disbelief.

"Common out honey!~"Aren't you tired of running?"We will just ask you some questions, nothing more nothing less." The man with grey shirt and blue jeans. He has the biggest built among the others. His eyes were like a wild those of vipers in glowing in the dark waiting to strike and kill someone. Woohoo!!! This getting so exciting."The other man in his mid thirties exclaimed. "Men...You think it's exciting?" She's getting into my nerves man..."Said the man wearing a blue checkered shirt." Okay! let's spread out! The mouse wants to play." The other man said. They went and spread in different directions.

She was just listening attentively and trying not to make any noise under the rusty scraped old model car. She tried to keep her calm while covering her mouth. She heard some footsteps towards her position. Her eyes widen in fear when she saw a man's feet in front of the car. She gave a tight grasp on her mouth.The man jumped onto the roof of a car not knowing that she was there. The car moved down a bit responding to the weight of the man. Her leg got stuck into one on the car's rusty wheel. She felt an unbearable pain and created a little scream. "Hmmp! Aahh! Fortunately she was able to manage to let her leg loose but the man heard it and discovered her hiding under the car." There you are mousy..." Come to daddy...Come on..." The man said. I said common out now bitch!" Exclaimed the man again. He got a really irritated voice this time.

She managed to get out under the old rusty car and ran with all her might. She headed to an old rusty mini bus. She got on the bus and hid at the back seat. The four men gathered again outside nearby the mini bus where she's hiding. She was covering her mouth tightly. Her whole body shivered in fear and cold. " Let's check on that bus!" She heard the man exclaimed. She got really alarmed that she even tried to hold her breathing. The four men were inside the bus looking for her like hungry vultures looking for their delicious supper. She felt hopeless and desperate. She just closed her eyes wishing that it was not happening. Her memories were flashing back and her tears were falling on her cold cheeks.

"Oh! Hahaha! I found mousy man!" I think she's very cold now." The man in blue checkered shirt exclaimed. "See? You can't go anywhere sweetie." The other man said. The man with the huge built among the others grabbed her hair and pulled her out from where she hid. She screamed with agony. " Please! Please! Don't kill me...please..."She exclaimed with fright. "Shh...We're not going to kill you baby..just answer my questions and tell my only the truth!" The huge man said. " I don't know what you're talking about. This must be a mistake. I did not do anything wrong. Please let me go home! Please!!!!! She cried helplessly. " We promise to let you go if..." The man stopped talking when she suddenly grabbed and bit his arm. Ahhhhhh! He screamed in pain. He lost his grip to her hair and she tried to run quickly as she could but the other man grabbed her hair again and she fell facing onto the floor."You bitch! You really don't get it do you?" The hot-tempered man yelled. He grabbed her hair again and smashed her forehead on the floor. The warm blood flowed onto her cold face. She felt dizzy and almost ran out of her consciousness." Please ...ahh..let me go home..."She said faintly. The man pulled her hair up to make her stand up. She stood up helplessly. " You seem so cold sweetie. You want to get warmed?" Hey! Hey! What are you thinking?" You stupid shit!" We will just interrogate her but we will not touch her nor kill her." She gave her last strength to try to escape. She stepped hard on the man's right foot to loose from his painful grip. "Ahhhhh! You damn bitch! come here!" The man grabbed her neck and made a very strong grip. She can't breathe, she struggled to lose herself. The man got really pissed off. He doesn't want to let go the grip was getting tighter and tighter.

She almost passed out but her eagerness to escape in whatever means she could was the only thing in her mind. She kicked the man's abdomen with all her strength. The man got provoked more lost his control and transformed into a spine-chilling beast. Her grabbed her neck , lift and threw her with intensity. Her body flew like a weightless dummy and hit the front seat rusty steel bar. She got stuck in there. She could not feel her body. She felt totally numb and cold. The warm fluid started to flow out of corpse-like body. It was totally distorted.She bathed her own blood. She screamed in terror and and agony. She let go of her last breathe.

Ploi woke up suddenly grasping some air. He could not hardly breathe. "Damn.. that was really terrible." He perspired like hell.

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