Part 4: Lora

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Inspector Ploi took the bus headed back to Central Police District. He sighed heavily thinking about what just had happened today. He kept on thinking about her. " What happened to her?" She suddenly changed." "It was not her at all." His phone rang suddenly in the middle of his deep cerebration."Yes, Hello." he answered. " Inspector we needed you at the headquarter ASAP!"Sergeant Leon Morne called. " It is about one of the cases that we are going handle nowadays." We will talk about the details when you get here." Sgt. Morne continued. " I am on my way Morne."Ploi replied and hung up.

She's sitting on a small wooden stool in silence, staring on the kitchen wall blankly while working on her hand stirring the mixture of boiling water, milk together with cardamom powder and salt. She's really good at doing it but today has something different. She added rice flour and corn flour to it - part by part, while continuously stirring it to avoid lumps. She kept on stirring it in low heat until all water is absorbed and it forms into a ball. She turned off the gas and cover the dough. She repeats the same process everyday in making this delicious food. But, there's a difference now. She used to be happy and vibrant while doing it because old folks said that if you make it happily it would taste heavenly and the people eating would feel happy too. Since the death of her brother and the disappearance her sister-in-law, she changed a lot.

In the meantime, she prepared the sweet filling by heating up 2 tablespoon ghee in a pan. She added the coconut, paneer, and sugar and mix it well and cooked this in low heat for 8 minutes. She then prepared the dough by applying a little oil on her palms and kneading the warm dough into a soft workable texture. She used to wait for dough to subside the heat but this time she seems did not even bothered that the dough was very hot. Her eyes started to get soaked with liquid. Yes, She she's crying silently and did not realize that her tears is mixing with the dough. She took a tennis ball sized dough, made a dent in the center and put 1 tablespoon of filling in it and close the opening. Smooth it all over to make it look like a ball. She made sure that there are no gaps but not realizing she's doing it really slow. She started to steamed the manda pitha balls in a hot water. She usually sell it steamed or fried depending on the patrons' request at the Market Square.

Lora looks almost emaciated and she doesn't care much about having a messy hair. The steamy temperature inside the kitchen made her looked damped. She always hide her face under her very long locks. She doesn't even care much about changing her looks anymore. She always wear pale pink blouse and a grey khaki pants. She often look downward like a lost wandering soul. She often cries and hide in the dark. Even her nieces are not accustomed with her anymore. They sometimes being left at home confused and wondering where she's actually going. She often gets home very late, doing house chores without uttering any words. She's been like this for three days now. She just leave without even a note for her nieces. She doesn't even go to Market Square to sell the rice cake. The girls will just get it instead when they get home and wondered where she's gone for.

Lora was totally opposite of what she is now. She was a cheerful and energetic woman. She loved her family dearly. She worked really hard to help her brother's family. She was so happy. She had this fashion clothes shop business with her closest friend Margo at the Market square but even Margo wondered she's not going to the shop anymore. She tried to call her for several times but she did not even bother to answer. She even tried to visit her at Block 3 block she's not home. She's living with her brother's family since Gordon is her only sibling. Their parents died 10 years ago. They help each other ever since. She really love her brother's daughters Mira and Lira. No wonder because the girls are adorable and responsible at their young age. They always help at home after school and they even help Lora selling manda pitha in the afternoon. She met Ploi when he visited Gordon two years ago but they did not have chances to get even closer but it's a bit obvious that they both have eyes for each other. They seldom talked though since they're living in different district.

She sat and put her hands on her thighs looking down while sobbing."Why is this happening now?" I am so sorry ...I did not mean to disappoint you. I will do anything to make them pay."I am not going to leave you. I will keep my promise." She buried her face in her hands while weeping desperately. "They will go through unbearable suffering!I make them see what an absolute retaliation means!" I will leave them unrecognizable."She cried out hatefully.

It's exactly three o'clock in the afternoon Mira and Dana arrived at home." Aunt Lora! Aunt Lora! We're home!~"Mira yelled with excitement. "Huh? She's not home again."Dana wondered." Dana, what's going on with Aunt Lora?" Mira asked. " I really missed her nowadays and she's not coming with us at the Market Square anymore."I don't know too. I don't even understand." I missed her like mom." Dana added." "I wonder where is she going nowadays..." Mira sighed. " Hey! Let's go upstairs now and change our clothes. We have to go to Market Square now while the Mandas are warm. We might spot Aunt Lora there too."Okay!~ They headed to the Market Square to sell their rice cake. "Oh! Look Dana! Our patrons are waiting for us!"Mira exclaimed excitedly. " Oh here comes the Manda Pitha's angels!~ " The fat man exclaimed with a smile. " Hey girls! What took you so long?" said the other man in his 40s. "Where is beautiful Lora?" She's busy." Mira replied while smirking. " Okay, okay, give us ten mandas. We are starving now." The fat man added. "Hmmm.. it taste a little different today. Did you put more salt in it?" The other man asked. " I don't know Mister. Aunt Lora made it." Dana replied bluntly. The man smiled. " Anyway, it is still delicious."

Mandalia Police District

"Inspector Ploi, I am glad you'are already here." Sgt. Morne was walking towards Ploi holding a blue folder with some files inside. " What is it Morne?" We have another crime case to handle but this one sounds... I can't say .. maybe ..absurd and looked uncanny but you really need to take a look at these files."

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