Part 5: Obliteration:The Beginning

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"Seriously? The four of you showed up here with nothing?!"You're all useless! Pathetic!" All you brought to me nowadays  were vexation!" Ahhh!!! You're all just walking dinosaurs!" Boss... Boss... calm down...Skunky  said while smoking a pot. He is a pot freak. He appeared like a walking dead with thin hair in his late 30s. His dark circles around his eyes are like black holes. He's a substance abuser. He tried all kinds of it. " "You punk!" How dare you talking to me like that huh?!" You can't even put your self together!" The Boss yelled vexedly. "Boss, we are just trying to be inconspicuous nowadays." Marty interrupted.  Marty is a huge-built man. He looks like a professional UFC athlete but lack of skills in fighting. He is the true picture of a headless dinosaur. His name doesn't even fit his size. " What does it mean Marty?" The Boss sounded curious suddenly." Huh?" Uhmm .. nothing , nothing boss. I mean  we are trying to be invisible from policemen nowadays. They are focusing on our operation and shipments for these past few months, so we need to lie low."He explained." You better not make any mistake of messing out with me you punks! "The boss added. The rest of the three men were speechless.

The "Boss" had five men working with him [Skunky, Marty, Benny, Bran, and Ron]. They're working secretly with different drug and smuggling organizations. They're been runners for years. They're really professionals in their field. They're being involved in bribes, drug trades, and smuggling luxurious goods. Marty is the leader of the group and usually the one receives orders from the boss and the rest were just accessories. The Big Boss is like  Mr. Nobody in the Fast and Furious movie who can't be named. He just wanted to be called "Boss." " You can leave now!" I don't need you anymore!" And don't you dare to make any moves on your own without my knowledge you punks!" I will be the one who will put you on the headlines if you do so." The boss said while smirking. " Copy that Boss." Marty said. The five men left and headed to Buck's Head Barone of the famous nightclub in the district. " Oh man! Boss almost caught us in there!" Bran exclaimed. "Just shut your filthy mouth and don't dare to mention about it or I will crush your bone head into pieces punk." Marty responded while sipping his glass of Fireball Cinnamon Whisky." Oh man we should have not done what we di.. did." Ron added. " Whose fault was it huh!?" Be careful with your mouth asshole!"Skunky  replied.

Kurka Bus Stop  2 am.

There were only a five  people standing on the bus stop. Three of them were men and the rest were women. The three men looked tired and sleepy from overtime work while sitting on the bench waiting for the bus to go home. The two women were obviously young college girls who decided to go home from a nigh out.  Another man was walking towards the bus stop appeared a bit drunk while smoking and murmuring something. " Ahhh! Why I did not notice it's already late. Ahh ... she's going to nag at me again at this time." Why I end up with her?" Her mouth is like a machine gun." Ahhh! My life is full of shit!" I have a bad feeling about this. Ahh shit! Why I was there?" Okay, okay, just forget about it asshole!" Ahaha! Why am I calling myself an asshole?" Am I gone crazy?" He continued murmuring as he headed to the bus stop. He passed by the big manhole locked with a very heavy iron lid.  He stopped right next to it because he heard a loud yowling sound and seemed very close to his ears." Huh?" What was that?" Oh shit! That was terrible." It seemed the sound came under that manhole but it's totally sealed but also seemed to be very close to my ears." Am I really gone crazy?" The man just ignored it eventually and focused on waiting. There were still a lot of buses during that time  since most of the buses operation in the city were 24/7 but he was still waiting for the bus going to his destination. Finally, he saw the going to his place, so he waved his hand to stop. The bus stop right away. He made a few steps to get on the bus when to his surprise he screamed obstreperously which attracted the attention of the people on the bus and the people waiting in the bus stop."Haaaaaaaa!" He moved backward while pointing at what he saw on the bus. The people wondered  what's on him. They had mixed speculations." What's with him? Is he mad? Why he screamed suddenly.?" People murmured." Hey! Are getting on or not?!" The bus driver shouted but the man was still standing still looked petrified. 

He regained his senses when the bus left suddenly and realized he missed it. "Dammit! What was that!? He was still in shocked and couldn't believe in what he saw." This can't  be true." It was just my hallucination." He tried to back his self together. " Who was that? Did I see a ghost or a monster?" Ahhhhh!" He still could not move on about what he saw. He stepped backward again with his totally disbelief look and decided to wait for another bus. When he pinned his gaze on every bus passed by, his face was blanketed with terror. He saw a woman in every bus passed by covered with blood and soaked filthy clothes. Her skin was pale as ice and looked hell cold. The water mixed with blood was drifting from her body. Her neck was tied with wet rope and her eyes were looked like two black holes but when she stared at him it seemed like she was stealing his soul from that very moment. Half of her face was covered  lightly by her long muddy soaked hair." He could not scream anymore to his terror, he became speechless. He hurried silently and stopped his gaze at the buses passing  by. He he headed back to the sidewalk and when he passed by the manhole again, he heard the loud yowling sound again. He stopped to find where it was coming from. When her turned around the manhole was partly opened already."Huh?! W..wh..wha...what happend?" He uttered but freaking terrified. He turned his gaze to the people waiting  but they looked like they did hear what he heard from the sewer. He moved  closer at partly opened manhole and peeped at the small opening." He... Hello...! Is somebody there?!" He exclaimed shortly. He heard the holler again and this time it was coming closer and closer. 

"Who's there?!" He yelled. He made a closer look again but this his eyes got really bigger and his tongue was even got retro-flexed in terror that he could not let go of any words. A face of the same woman right in front of his own face shedding bloody tears. Yes, the holler was right on his face inside the sewer. He suddenly moved backward and fell onto the ground but he managed to get up and attempted to run. When he's about to move his feet, he felt something very cold as ice on his left leg. He could not move. He could not run. " Ah...." Before he screamed to death, the sewer lid moved open wide and the cold-iced hand of a holler dragged the man down. Nobody heard him screamed to death as his voice faded away in the sewer.

Headline News:

The headline news caught the attention of many people. "Huh? A man found in a sewerage?"The man holding a news paper said. " This is so dreadful." Said the other man."Look at the victim. It's almost unrecognizable. His body is twisted!" The newspaper vendor added. " Oh my goodness! His neck is even twisted backward and his backbone is bent sideways. His eyes... holy ghost! His eyes are gone! They're like a pair of dark hollows." The man continued. " What kind of monster did that?" It's totally horrendous!" added  the other bystander.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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