Mr. Philips

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Mr.Philips got out and I heard his and another familiar voice, I just assumed it was either one of the men from last night, just then the boot swung open "So I kidnapped his daughter!" I heard Mr.Philips say, "Trevor! Why the fuck did you do that!?" a supposed Michael said, so, was Trevor then, "well, I dunno why not?" Trevor said back to Michael, I spoke up, "hey, so you stole me for nothing?!" I mumbled from under the tape, they both looked at me, then Michael looked back at Trevor, "You need to give her back," He said, punching him on the arm, "Hey fatass, you can't kidnap someone and give them back, and don't punch me!" He yelled, Trevor bent over and took my legs under his arms and put his head in between my two bound hands, carrying me, I tried to struggle away, "I can walk!" I said, Michael laughed, "the girl's got an attitude," Michael, smiled at me, "that she does Mikey. Tape her legs," Trevor laughed back at him, Michael taped my legs together reluctantly as it seemed, there was no point struggling, I could never take on two fully grown men, "well, where shall we put er' for the time being? We have a fuckin' heist to organise," Michael objected to Trevor, "calm down fat face, I have a place to put her," He said, putting me down in the back seats of his car, "I'll follow you then," Michael grumbled, walking off slowly to his car, Trevor got into his seat and drove off, he drove around the bends sharply, making me fall over, he laughed out every time, finally we got to a old RV, Trevor got out and picked me up again, he walked me inside and put me down on the chair, he bent over and looked me in the eye, "Okay, I can't assure you no harm is to come to you," He said, tearing the tape from off my mouth, it hurt like hell, the fire inside me burned bright " What the fuck do you want with me you sick bastard!" I yelled in his face, he smiled, "I like a girl with fire in her heart," he chuckled, It drew me in, his smile, his laugh, his voice, his eyes, it made me feel.. Safe? Just then Michael walked in, and looked at me and Trevor, "okay, who is gonna make sure she doesn't leave," Michael said, leaning against the kitchen counter, "we'll take it in shifts, I'll go first, you go talk to Lester," Trevor said, harshly, Michael put up his middle finger and walked out the door, Trevor standing up and striding after him, I heard them yelling then the yelling stopped and I heard a car pull away, I tried to get my head around what was happening, I heard footsteps enter the caravan, "well, what do you want to do for the next, ages since that fat pig gets back huh?" i heard Trevor say, I scowled and scrunched up my nose about what he might be thinking about, but I tried to clear that from my mind and answered back with anger "what I fucking want? I want you to untie me and let me go if i'm honest," I hissed at him, Trevor walked up to me and gently removed the tape from my hands, I looked down at him, he tore off the last piece and he looked back up at me, "how long will I be here?" I said softly, he bent down lower and started to untie my legs, "however long feels right," he said back, untying my leg ties, and standing up, then stroked my chin and walked into the kitchen place, "uh, Mr. Phillips, do you have a shirt I could wear?" I said, sitting in my sports bra still, he looked at me from behind the open fridge door, "I dunno, I think you look better like that," he laughed, walking into his room and throwing me a white shirt, I put it on and It was very big but it didn't really matter, Trevor walked up to me, I looked up at him, he walked straight up to me until we were touching, "Do you have your phone on you?" He said I looked up at him, "No," I said truthfully, he bent down "Now, I like you, and I don't hurt you until I find it," He said, "I honestly don't have it!" I pleaded, He looked at me "come on," he said, smiling, I stood up, making him fall back, I pulled out my pockets and patted down all my clothes, "see?" I said triumphantly, Trevor held out his hand, I looked at it confused, "what are you doing? Help me up," he said, I held his hand and Trevor pulled me down on top of him, just then Michael walked in "sorry Trevor I forgot my Ph-" he said, then looking at me struggling away from Trevor's grip on the floor, "Trevor? Would you like to explain?" Michael said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me back, "hey, Mikey, it's not what it looks like, uncle T was just playing around," he laughed, laying on the floor, Michael looked at me, "what did he do?" He asked me very solemnly, "he uh, asked for me to help him up and he pulled me over, he's right he was just playing around," I said, looking back at him, "fine, if he does anything to you that you don't want him to, call me okay?" He said, still looking dead into my eyes, I nodded and Michael left the room with his missing phone, we stayed still until we heard his car pull away, Trevor stood up and took my hand, "you know I wouldn't do that to you," He said, like I knew exactly what he was thinking about, "do what?" I said, with my hand still in his firm grip, "you know.. As Michael put it, 'do anything you don't want me to'" he quoted, I knew what he meant but I just nodded in approval, pulling away my hand, turning away and sitting on the chair, "Mr.Phillips, where am I to sleep?" I said, in the most polite way possible, Trevor looked over at me, "Okay, first, call me Trevor, second you're sleeping next to me," He said, I shuddered at the thought, I didn't ask If I could sleep on the floor, half the reason was because there was rats, cockroaches and ants crawling everywhere, I nodded politely, though I was glad I didn't have to call him 'Mr.Phillips'.

I know this one was not as good as the last one in my opinion but I really enjoyed writing this and I'm going to post the chapters day by day now! :)

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