Where's Home?

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A familiar voice, "Hey! Mike! The fuck you doin' here?!" from behind us, Michael stopped the car, "for fucks sake," Michael muttered, putting his head on the wheel, sounding off the horn, Trevor came up to Michael's door and knocked on it hard, Michael looked up at him exhausted, by now students were gathering outside, just then I heard a faint noise of cops sirens, "why the fuck is (Y/N) with you?" Trevor Barked at Michael, "She fucking asked me to come here cockjerker," Michael replied, smirking as they were exchanging insults the sirens got louder, by now almost all the school was here, "Trevor, Michael! The cops are here!" I screamed, they both looked at me, gathered the noises of the sirens, "Shit!" Michael said, trying to drive off, Trevor leaped in front of the car and went around to my side and grabbed me out "Get in the car.. god dammit my car!" Trevor yelled, correcting himself , pulling out some sort of bomb, "Trevor what is that?" I question, shaking with fear, getting in Trevor's car like he asked, reaching for a non-existent seatbelt, "Cop-destroyer," He replied in a grim voice, putting it on the road, running back in the car and driving off, I spun my head around and saw three cop cars driving to the school, as we were some way away I heard a massive explosion, and I felt the hotness of fire on my cheeks, my ears started to ring and I shoved my fingers in my ears. Trevor drove one way and Michael driving the other, sure enough we lost the cops in not too much time, "Why the fuck did you call Mike and not me?" Trevor grumbled, keeping his eyes on the road, I raised an eyebrow, "I did though," I replied, "No, you didn't," He grumbled back like a child that didn't get his way, "I did remember? You were too busy shooting someone from the roof or something," I chuckled, Trevor looked at me concerned, "Yeah It's time I told you, I'm not good," He said, looking back at the road, "Yeah I was aware of that.. With you sniping.. Bombs.. Kidnapping.. Guns.. you know the small things," I laughed, he chuckled back.We were back in the RV in a matter of twenty minutes, we walked into the RV and sat down together, "So, how was your test?" Trevor asked, putting an arm around me, "I think I did ok.." I lied, I could hear everybody around me talking, it distracted me.. I could already tell I did terribly, "Stop lying," he said, I rested my head against his shoulder, "it's just some girls in the test hall or something you know.." I said, trying to shake it off, Trevor nudged me on his shoulder "what were they saying?" he said, resting his jaw on my head, "just if I was kidnapped or not.." I mumbled, "what did they really say?" He said persuading me rather well might I add, "fuck it Trevor! How do you do it!?" I said, slapping him playfully, "Must be my charming good looks," He said grinning, I kissed his cheek, smiling at him "fine, they said I fucked my kidnapper to get away pretty much," I said, wiping the smile off my face, settling back down next to Trevor, "I wish," he laughed, we turned on the TV "Girl kidnapped from her own home twice and then again from school! Kidnapper also bomb scared the school," I looked at Trevor and he looked angry, not even angry, furious, "Trevor?" I asked cautiously, he didn't reply, "That's such an over fucking exaggeration!" He yelled at the TV putting up his middle fingers at the inanimate TV, I laid myself out on his lap, we lied there, just relaxing, listening to the booming TV, suddenly my dad burst in through the door, and I shot straight up, "Trevor you fucker!" My dad yelled, Trevor stood up putting his hands in the air, "Hey! How are you man?" Trevor smiled, "No shut the fuck up!" My dad yelled back at him, I heard blaring sirens from outside and three policemen came in with pistols, "Get down on the ground! You're arrested!" They barked at Trevor, Trevor just looked confused but he reluctantly laid on the floor with his arms out, I was stood up, my hands over my mouth, I hated to see Trevor like this, I tried to fight back the tears, the Police grabbed him and dragged him out, I couldn't do anything but watch, tears were welling in my eyes, was this it? Was I ever going to see him again? When Trevor was pushed inside the police car my dad looked at me, I quickly wiped my eyes, and pretended like my dad saved my life, even though he ruined it. I hugged him reluctantly "Dad! He was terrible to me!" I lied, crying. I so badly wanted to punch him and tell him to tell the cops it was a mistake, but I just couldn't "I know, you're fine now, I'll take you home, you don't have to go to school until we find a way you can be there safely, I swear I'll look after you and never let him touch you again," He said, the words haunted me, 'never again' they rung through my brain in a deafening echo, my dad took me home and I laid out on my bed, crying as silently as I possibly could, I suddenly sat up, I needed to see him, somehow I needed to get in.. I glanced at my phone and called Michael, he picked up quite fast, "Michael, something bad happened," I quietly cried into the phone, "Shit, did he go savage?" Michael barked, "He got locked in jail," I replied timidly he laughed from the other end, "Mike! It's not funny! He's locked up for a long time! My parents aren't letting me leave!" I hissed through the other end, "listen kid, maybe it's for the best he's locked up," Michael said gravely from the other end, "No, it's not! Please Mike help me!" I pleaded, "kid.." he grumbled, trying to reason with me, "Michael... please..." I pleaded, "Fine! When shall i be over?" He growled "Thanks so much Mikey! My mom is here but my dad is going out in about ten past okay? It should be easy getting out my mom's grip," I replied, "Okay kid, I'll get going then, then we'll get Lester and franklin," Michael said, sound a bit more cheerful now, I had no clue who Franklin or Lester were but I assumed they would help. "Thank you so much Mike," I smiled, he hung up and I waited on my bed, I grabbed my bag yet again and threw in some spare clothes, the gun from before, and my phone, it wasn't much but I put the bag on my back and sneaked outside, I waited for about fifteen minutes when a black tailgater pulled up outside my house, I sprinted up to it, trying to go as fast as I could without my mom knowing, "Hey kid," Michael said, as I leapt into the car "Hi," I said, flustered. We drove off, "where we going first?" I asked, Michael looked straight on the road, "We're going to my friend Lester's house, he organises heists, jailbreaks and stuff like that ya know?" Michael said, we drove down a small alleyway with mucky-looking houses, Michael pulled up and got out, me following, we walked up to the main door and Michael slammed his fist on the door, sure enough a short, disabled, ginger, overweight man with glasses on opened the door, "Quickly Michael! Get in!" He said, in a squeaky, slightly Canadian accent, me and Michael walked in and we sat down on the sofa, "Right Lester, Trevor's locked up and missy here wants him out, capeesh?" Michael said,pointing at me then putting his hands together, "Right, we need to see the security of this prison, what one is it?" Lester asked me, I remembered the cop car, "The San Andreas prison," I replied, Lester stood up, "Ah, that's easy, the security there is terrible, you should be able to just burst in honestly, from past experiences the cops come in 4 minutes. So you need to do it fast, when are you planning to do the break in?" Lester asked, "well-" Michael said before I interrupted, "as soon as possible," i said, helplessly, "these things take time," Lester argued, I rolled my eyes, I just wanted Trevor back, "She's right, they'll probably find out what Trevor has done in the past and transfer him to a high-tech inescapable, Unbreakable, prison," Michael said, backing me up, Lester, glanced around the room, "yes, this is true, so you just planning to break in today?" Lester said sarcastically, "plan today, action tomorrow," Michael answered,  leaving Lester groaning at the obnoxious Michael, "thanks Lester, I'll call you if I need anything," Michael said, getting up, me following behind, Lester calling behind us, "Not so good with sharp snappy plans," Michael said, getting in the car, I got in with him, Michael drove off, stamping his foot harshly on the accelerator "Right, we're going to see Franklin now," Michael said, after about a 10 minute drive we arrived in a modern looking house there was a black man washing his white car, there was a green motorbike neatly parked beside it, "Yo Michael," he said, turning around as Michael pulled up, we got out, "Hey franklin! This is (Y/N), Franklin, (Y/N) this is franklin," He said, "Pleasure to meet you missy," he said, "hey," I replied awkwardly, "Trevor's in jail, we need your help," Michael said to him blankly, Franklin groaned at the thought, "C'mon man! I have to save your sorry ass again?" he groaned, "c'mon buddy! I see you as the son I never had, help your old man out huh?" Michael said, smiling. Franklin rolled his eyes, "Fine!" he yelled out, "great! Come on, back to my place to organise guns and shit," Michael said, getting in the car, "won't we need a getaway car? Maybe if me and Franklin go get a car you can organise guns?" I said to Michael, Franklin looking at me confused, "good point, frank, take (Y/N) with ya, if she gets hurt, you get hurt, I'm friends with her dad," Michael said, getting in the car and driving off, I looked up at Franklin, he looked at me, "a'ight, let's go get a car, for 4 people," Franklin said, getting on his bike, patting the seat behind him, "four?" i said, getting on, "You're coming too, smartass," he laughed, "I'll die," I laughed back, "police can't shoot young people," He franklin said, driving off on the bike, he was an amazing driver, we was driving through red lights, missing cars by centimetres, not freaking out at all about it, we parked up in a beach car park, "why are we at the beach?" I asked, Franklin got off, "Well, guys come 'ere with good lookin' cars tryna impress girls," he said, inkling that we were going to steal a car, I saw an alfa romeo 4c (Ik it only has 2 seats but mehhhh it's a nice car) from the corner out my eye, I nudged Franklin on the arm and pointed to it, we went over and Franklin smashed the window and stopped the screeching alarm, "nice," he said, opening the door for me, "Follow me," he said, running off to his bike, wait?! I was driving?! Franklin quickly drove off and I stepped on the accelerator, I almost crashed three times, but we took the car to the getaway point and I got on the back of Franklin's motorbike again, we drove back to Michael's and chose out some guns, Michael and Franklin took me down to the shooting range and I practiced shooting for the rest of the afternoon, it was about 11:00pm, Michael and Franklin looked bored and tired, I was too, "Guys, shall we go back and rest? We need to be awake and ready for tomorrow," I said, Michael suddenly perked up, "Yeah, good idea. Hey Frank, I got no room in my house and I know you do, Take (Y/N) with ya," Michael said, getting up, "A'ite," Franklin said, passing me a bike helmet, I put it on as I watched Michael drive off, I jumped behind Franklin on his bike and we drove off. We got to Franklin's house, a rottweiler came running up to Franklin, Franklin cooed over him, patting him on the head, and went inside, I followed, " there's a bedroom downstairs, ite? Holla if you need anything kay?" He said, going downstairs, I went after him, going to the spare room, there were still packing boxes everywhere, it looked like it was never used before, I laid down on the bed, closing the door behind me, it was very open spaced. There were glass pane doors on one side, revealing a pool, suddenly my bag started to vibrate, I opened it up, 'Dad calling,' I wondered if I should answer, I did miss him, even though he put Trevor in jail and cooped me up in the house all day, "Hi dad," I said timidly, answering the phone, "(Y/N)! Where the hell are you!? Why the fuck do you keep running away?!" He yelled, It was clear I was running away, someone wouldn't kidnap someone this amount of times, "I'm.. I'm safe, that's all you need to know," I replied, I heard a long groan from the other side, "Why do you want to go back huh? Why!?" he yelled back, there was a long pause, I didn't know what to say! "because I fell in love with a Psycho," I said back, hanging up straight after, my dad tried to call me again but I left it, stuffed my phone in my bag and fell asleep.

In Love With A Psycho (Trevor Phillips x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now