Oh My Lord (2)

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Gabbi's POV
Gerard adopt me no never I thought to myself. He signed the papers and I ran upstairs to pack.

I ran upstairs were Hannah the "bully" and her little pets were in my room.
"Get out" I screamed as they ran out.
My computer. Broken.
My guitar. Broken.
My phone. Broken.
My room. Broken.
My Heart. Broken.

I fell down to the floor and started sobbing. Sobbing so hard Gerard could hear me and I saw him run in my room.

Gerard's POV

I heard crying. Not crying, someone sobbing their hearts out. I knew it was Gabbi so I ran upstairs to see what was the matter. I ran into the room and mess, total mess.
Broken guitar pieces.
Broken laptop pieces.
It was a state and I sat down to comfort Gabbi.
I got her up and helped her pack.

"Don't worry I will buy you new stuff" I say trying to cheer her up.
"No it's ok you don't need to" she said.
"But I want to" I say.

Gabbi's POV

I get in the car with "dad" and my "uncle" Mikey and get on the journey ahead.
"How long will it take to get there" I ask calmly.
"Not long" Mikey said pulling me into a hug.

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