The long drive (3)

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Gabbi's POV

I sat up next to my Mikey. He sat in the back of the car next to me. I was enjoying myself until Gerard spoke up.

"So gabbi do you have anything to hide." He said.
"Em I em... no." I say knowing I'm lying.
"Tell us, we are family you can count on us." He said worryingly.

Oh shit he must know I'm lying
"Can I really trust you." I said with a shaky voice.

"Yes you can." Mikey butted in.

"I cut,look I'm sorry please forgive me." I said scared as hell to tell them.

"It's ok honey." Gerard said. "But you need to stop." He said.

"Yeah I will sir, I promise." I said.

They started laughing at me.

"What did I do wrong." I said starting to laugh along.

"You do realise I am your dad,right." He said trying to to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah what is wrong." I said seriously.

"I'm your dad no need to call me sir." He said.

"Ok dad." I said and we all had a big laugh.
"Hey can I use this." I said picking up the aux cord.

"Yeah why not." Gerard said putting his eyes back on the road.

I plugged my phone into the aux cord and played my playlist called "bloody👹". (Ok I'm not even kidding my spotify playlist is actually called "bloody👹")
I shuffled the playlist and the first song that came on was I write sins not tragedies by panic at the disco. I started to sing along to the song, then Mikey and Gerard started to sing along.

We sang,
I chime in with a haven't you people ever heard of, closing the god damn door. No it's much better to face these kind of things with a sense of, poise and rationality.
I changed the song on then The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. We all looked at each other and started jamming out.
When I was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band. He said son when you grow up would you be the saviour of the broken, the damned.

We all had a good laugh and sing along then the car stopped.

"We are hear Gabbi." Gerard said with an excited tone in his voice. I looked up and we were parked in front of a massive house.

Sup guys I really enjoy posting new parts to my story. So if you have any ideas or questions about the story,feel free to tell me in the comment section bye for now because I might post tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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