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Hi, I decided to write this because I am so in love with Anthony Kiedis and the Red Hot Chili Peppers and their music makes my soul happy.
Enjoy and let me know what you think!!


The rancid smell of dying hopes and dreams hit me as I entered the dimly lit room. As I made my way through the room, stepping over the bodies that lay passed out across on the floor.

I needed a fix.

I was desperate for an ounce of anything that could get me high so I could stop the feeling of this withdrawal.

Heroin was my drug of choice, it was cheap, but as I would shoot more and more, I would need higher quantities to get the euphoric feeling I desired. Thats how the dealers get you and make their money.

I was running low on cash, I only had $20 in my pocket, but that was enough to get me a gram or two of something, even if it was low quality. I just needed something to stop this pain. My whole body ached and shook uncontrollably.

I had to sneak past a guy slumped up against the doorway. The hard wood of the door frame hit my ribs, which were almost protruding through my skin. My body was weak and pale. I looked like a bag of bones. I hadn't eaten in days, all I cared about was having enough cash to get my high, and food costed money.

I approached a middle aged guy sat behind a table. He looked dirty and his eyes were red and bloodshot.

"What you looking for" he asked.

"However much white I can get for twenty bucks" I replied, trying not to make eye contact for too long incase he took it as a threat. People act irrationally when they are high so you have to be careful.

I tucked my dark brown, messy and knotted hair behind my ear as I reached into my bag to find my cash.

"Twenty a gram" he muttered, glancing up at me very briefly.

Twenty dollars a gram was way over the normal asking price of heroin. So it was either good quality or he could see I was desperate from the way my hands were shaking.

I reluctantly handed over all the money I owned and then he handed me a small clear plastic bag with the precious white power in.

I turned on my heel and walked out of that drug den as quick as I could. Even though I was in the drug scene, I hadn't got to the low point where I would crash in one of the dens, I preferred to shoot up in my own place, away from other junkies.

As I walked carefully through the rooms, trying not to disturb any of the dope fiends strewn across the floor. As I was a about to walk out the door to leave a long haired guy was just entering. He stopped when he saw me and gestured to let me got through the door first. I was surprised as most of the guys visiting places like this were not polite in the slightest.

I studied him for a second, his face seemed familiar, he had long flowing brown hair and deep brown eyes that stared into my very soul.

Dosed (Anthony Kiedis/RHCP)Where stories live. Discover now