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4. Feed off of their pain :)

Now that you're bffs (I hope) you know get to play the jerk-idiot friendship.

This is Sam. The idiot doesn't get anything out of the relationship, but the jerk gets everything.  The only thing the idiot gets out of t is, not looking like a loser in public places. And a funny, kind, violent, selfish, narcissistic, and abusive best friend. The jerk on the other hand receives entertainment. And a life long friend that will do whatever they say, following you around like a side-kick.

Just wanted to mention that Sam was on drugs while writing the above statement.

Was not.


I really want to know if people from Hawaii can play the license plate game?

What about the people in Alaska? #equalrights
Seriously why are people not worried about this.

ANYWAYS, Sam and I are cutting this chapter short cause she refuses to write anything, but I'm sure you guys won't mind. What am I even talking about, probably just talking to myself, don't worry I'm used it. Not as used as Sam though, she's a creep. And a stalker, besides the point.

So what we're trying to tell you is to, feed off their pain? I don't know, we just needed a fourth step, so that we could write "A five-step program". So, I guess feed off their pain (?) just remember to share.


If you've made it this far (surprising) leave a joke or an insult because I said so. Or, don't I guess, it's a free country.

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