Chapter One ||Mystified||

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"So kiss my tongue; make everything better~"


Before I even start, it would probably be best for me to introduce myself. I'm Alastar Cadaver. Before you start questioning, yeah, I know. My name is odd. My parents were apparently going through some sort of weird, Roman loving phase around the time I was born, which of course, resulted in me having a Latin name. They even fought to make sure my last name was different from theirs. Moving on to more important matters.

If you choose to believe the words you read, or hear, then your entire world, our entire world, will be completely different. This world will never be the same. Depending on who you are, you may completely deny what I'm about to tell you and pass over this as if it's a basic story, a fantasy, an author with an active and detailed imagination. Or, you could be one of the few who are finally receiving confirmation to what you know is really out there, out here.

Before you continue reading, or listening to this story, you must proceed forward with an open mind, and have that mind be prepared for things that your imagination won't likely be able to comprehend. I warn you, you won't stop reading, or listening to these entries without questioning the things around you.

Which would you like? The red pill, or the blue pill?

Assuming you're still here, I welcome you with a warming smile, my dear Alice. Now, come deeper down the hole. It's time for tea.

The day started out the day that it normally did. I woke up at some random, later than I should have hour, and helped around the house a bit before returning to my room and beginning on my homework, bullshitting my way through majority of it.

Once I had finished (thanks to Google), I would then grab my phone and place in my earbuds, not hesitating to turn on my phone and begin to blast my music, a small smile forming on my lips as my chosen song began to play. Sliding my phone into my pocket, I had enough time to reach for a pencil and a notebook before I heard a voice from downstairs calling my name. Judging by the volume and pitch, and the ever present familiarity, it was my mother.

I knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to ignore her, so I immediately shouted back my response to hearing her, yanking out my earbuds and tossing them, along with my phone, notebook, and pencil, onto my bed before rushing out of the room and basically racing against an invisible force down the stairs. 

What I saw once I reached the bottom caused me to stumble to a stop (thank gods I did, because my dumbass got my sock caught on a goddamn nail). Standing by my couch next to my mother was a tall man in a suit. I don't know much about clothes, but it was clearly expensive. The man had neat and short blonde hair, and his eyes reminded me of the diluted silver one would see in a rain cloud. He had a gentle smile on his face, and I could tell immediately that something about it seemed... off. It wasn't exactly bad, but it wasn't exactly good either.

Automatically, I began to back up towards the stairs again, my shoulders automatically bunching up slightly as I looked over at my mom, practically oozing awkwardness. 

"Uh, yeah?" I asked my mom, slight confusion in my voice as I repeatedly glanced between her and the man.

My mother had an unnaturally large grin on her face, a manila folder in her hands, which she slightly waved around in excitement as she began to speak, her short brown locks bouncing against her face, neck, and shoulders in an exuberant way.

"You've been accepted into the prestigious academy, Windhariam Central!!" she somewhat squealed, and I couldn't help but feel slightly weird, thanks to my mother's behavior, but before I could think too much on it, her words sank in. Wait, the fuck? Me and the words prestigious academy shouldn't go together. 

If I was confused before, then I sure as hell was now. Before I could ask any questions, the tall blonde man began to speak. "I recommend that you begin to pack now, and say whatever farewells necessary before exactly this time tomorrow," he said, a prominent, but weakening Scottish accent in his voice.

I began to stammer out some form of protest, but before I could do so, he tilted his head at me and my mother before quickly making his way out of the door next to him, leaving as suddenly as he had seemed to arrive.

I then turned to my mom, my mouth prepared to rapid fire questions at her, but before I could, she began to fire commands at me, the exuberant mood she had while the man was here evaporating, making way for the stern, commando mother that I know and love.

"Well? What are you standing there for? You heard the man! Go and pack!" she snapped as she almost immediately left the room to most likely go into her office, which was directly below me in the area of the house that would normally be called a basement. 

Frustrated and left without a clue, also not wanting to face any parts of my mother's anger, knowing that it would only get worse the more pressed she got, I ran upstairs, resisting the urge to slam my feet against the light brown wooded stairs. Once I reached my room, I threw myself down onto my bed as hard as I dared, and allowed my thoughts to begin rushing through like a fucking tidal wave.

I don't remember all 27 million of those thoughts, but I do remember me trying to link the situation together. Out of frustration, confusion, and heavy uncertainty, I found my breathing picking up it's pace, which I attempted to force to stay at a rate that didn't making my head grow light, knowing that I would only be able to slow the symptoms of this mini panic attack instead of stopping it. 

After about two, long and dreadful minutes of senseless thoughts filled with panic and confusion rolling through my head, I began using my hands to search the bed for my phone, a bit of obvious urgency in my actions. Soon, my left hand found it, and without hesitation, I sat up and unlocked the phone, immediately focusing my attention on the instant messenger app known as Kik. I clicked on a chat that had a profile picture that was both vibrant and dark at the same time, immediately knowing it me belong to my best friend.

Me: CoDe UH


Me: CoDe rEd????



I continued to spam her, but received no reply. I then checked the time and cursed. She wouldn't be out for another hour or so. With that, I sat back, and let my situation sink in.

Me, out of all people, was now going to a fucking boarding academy. Not only that, it was supposedly a prestigious one, which I knew, for an absolute fact should have been impossible. For one, I bullshit my way through my homework, and even then, I only maintain a B average. Two, I don't recall ever being applied to any sort of scholarship programs. 

With these thoughts swirling around my head, further adding to my confusion, I tapped out of Kik and went into Google, entering the name of the school. Multiple results showed up. First, I went through the list of different sites that involved the school, reading the texts that came under the links/names. Then, I went to the pictures of the school, and I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping.

Even now, I can recall the details that were, from that moment on, etched into my brain.

By whatever god exists. What the hell is going on?

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