{Chapter 8}

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Whisper POV
I heard someone knock on door, I started to be scare and nerves. Clock-Work told me to chill and come down, nothing bad will happen and he would love the way u look. I told her thx and hopefully. She went to the door and open, it was my dad slender. He told that I look cute. I told him thx. Then he told me that he trush Jeff and that I am allowed to containu this date. I smile at him and hug him. Than I heard wow, I turn around and saw that it came from Jeff. I blush and hug him. He hug me back and kiss my cheek. I saw a flash and it came from my dad. He took a pic of me and Jeff. After I yell at my dad, I left with Jeff. Jeff grab my hand and took me to the woods. I saw a picnic, and flowers around it. I was shock and happy. Jeff told me to go and sit, I did what he said to do. He came next to me and smile at me, he ask what do I want to eat. I said pasta. He said thought so. He grab two plates of pasta and gave me one. I smile at him again. He is so sweat. After we are done eating. He gave me chololate cover strawberrys . I was so happy. I love these so much. He grab one and fed it to me. After That him and i watched a movie about half way though the movie I look at him and he look at me. We both started to lean in, we kiss. It felt like fireworks were going on in my head. He pull away and hug me and whisper in my ear. Will you be my killer girl. I said yes. Than we both fell a sleep in each other arms.

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