Please read If you care about why I'm leaving

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As you all know I said I might log out for a little while and I felt that I should leave an explanation on why ....

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For starters it's all the shit I'm going threw with my so called friends,one minute i feel like they really are there for me but the minute I say something they don't like they bs behind my back and make me and my other friends feel worse.Then there's stress with school,I feel like my grades are slipping a little which leads to my next reason.My parents, they constantly yell and fight with me and just make me feel awful I really don't want to go into detail about it. Now a bunch of the so called friends i was talking about would just tell me to get over it or pretend that they care all though I don't give two shits about them caring or not. A result of all that and some other issues I don't want to mention, I'm starting to go back to randomly getting upset for no reason and having trust issues. Honestly can the universe not be against me right now, this is the time for me to be happy with my graduation coming up soon but it's turning out to be a huge mess. Funny I can already hear the people in my school mocking me for even posting this. I guess this is goodbye for a while but please know it may or may not be your fault and if you want to know if it is just think back on all the things you've said to me and you should (if you're smart enough) figure it out.

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