If You Leave

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A/N~  Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has read, voted on, commented on, or supported this book in any way! I am sooo grateful for all your support!!
Also, don't think about the song's meaning too much--- It only applies to this fanfic if you don't listen too hard!! Just listen to the chorus... Anywho, I think it's a neat song. I'm a sucker for 80s music!

Chris' POV


I slowly woke to a gentle voice whispering my name.

"Chris, I have to leave for work."

I realized my cheek was resting on Ted's chest, and that I was basically laying on him. I looked up at him. He gazed at me with his alluring gray-blue eyes. He looked as if he'd been awake for a while. I smiled a bit, realizing that even though he could have moved me off of him, he chose not to.

"Chris, I have to go to work." Ted stroked my hair absently, a lazy smile on his face.

"Aww," I frowned at him. "Why don't you take the day off? Or go in late?"

Ted sighed patiently. "You know I can't, Chris. C'mon, get up."

I clung to the front of his shirt, fake-pouting. "Stay with meee." I begged, dragging out the 'e'.

Ted chuckled. "Come on, Chris. I'll do my shift, then you do yours, then we can hang out."

"Noooo!" I pressed my face to his chest.

"Chris. Stop messing around." He tried to gently pry me off of his body, but I wasn't giving up that easily.

I smirked at Ted and he raised an eyebrow, looking suspicious of me. I leaned forward to kiss his jaw, cradling his head with my hands.

"Chris..." Ted was the one whining now, realizing he had to be more firm if he wanted to be on time for work.

"Shh..." I continued to kiss him, moving to his collar bone and stroking his fluffy hair. "Just let me kiss you."

I felt Ted finally relax beneath me, and sensed him reach up to press his hands to the back of my neck. He kissed the top of my head and sighed,  "Maybe just a couple minutes..."

I grinned triumphantly, gently pushing his head back onto the pillow so I could kiss his soft lips.

"I love you," He whispered against my lips.


I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, kissing and being completely in love, but eventually Ted glanced over at the clock on the desk and gasped.

"I'm gonna be late for work!" He exclaimed.

I smirked and kissed the tip of his nose. "My goal exactly."

Chris x Ted One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now