chapter 8

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" uri donghyuckie~~ my son !!! "

the lady hugged me so tight i was gasping when she let me go.

the other three children willingly took my hands and shook it with theirs,

words coming out from their mouths faster than before.

who, what, when, how and why

did they come in?

what happened to the fence outside?

how did these people stop the torturous feeling and irritating sound from continuing?

" donghyuck ah~ i'm your biological mother, and i know you wouldn't want to believe me now since we last met many years ago

and here are your siblings dongsook, minhyun and jihoon "

info overload! how great!

they ushered me to sit, which was surprising

when they claimed to be my real family

in my house and not 'theirs'.

my 'biological' mother then explained how the police found her through my father

and she had the key to stop the fence from operating.

she continued

but because there was just so many things going on,

only one thing mattered the most -

i was free

from this cage.

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