Chapter 2

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Once I heard that it was me, I slowly made my way up there.
"Hello there darling, come on up." Tandoori said. I slowly made my way up the steps.
"And now for the boys." Tandoori says, " Hugo Offletch," Tandoori said with just as much expression. I looked at him, and showed a small frown.
"okay, you two shake hands!" Tandoori said. He held his hand and I shook. He had tousled brown hair, and which is weird because you usually wear something nice for the reaping.He had beautiful blueish-pinkish eyes that made me envious. I quickly shook the thought out of my head. I looked at back at the beautiful beach of district 4.
Then Tandoori played the stupid video, and the mayor said his speach. It's the same every year. We walked through the justice building, and the peacekeepers said I had three minutes. Harry came running in and I hugged him.
"You have to win Hazel. You have to." he said seriously.

"of course Harry. I'll try.I'll always try." I pulled my mother in a hug and she said

"the capital always get what the want,don't they?" she asked me. I pulled back and said

" that's not what its about.and you know it.I love you." I kissed her check.

"where's dad?" I said. " something, ah something happened at docks. he's in the hospital now." she said. I pictured my dad in a hospital bed and it scared me.

"look out for harry.okay?" I asked her. I always did that stuff for him.

"three minutes are up." a peacekeeper said "no! no! win! win, Hazel!" harry shouted while tears rolled down his cheeks.I could see he was terrified. Like it was his life on the line. It might as well be,too.I looked one more time in his glossly eyes and saw something that scared me more then my death handed to me on a silver platter. In his eyes I saw pure terror.

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