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*Hugo's point of view*

I won the games. What happened is Alex choked Hazel out for thirty seconds. then I came at and tackled Alex. we punched and kicked. Then Hazel came up with a knife, trying to save the day. He caught it out of her hand and stabbed her. I yelled her name and I think I heard whisper my name,too. she fell to the ground and her cannon soon went off. Hazel Grant's cannon went off. I never thought I would say it or think it. I went into a blood lest then. I grabbed him by the neck and squeezed while he punched at my hands and kicked the air. till finally I threw him on the ground and stabbed him. They crowned me as the victor of the 34th hunger games. The day I went back to district 4, we celebrated. accept, I went straight to her house. " your daughter, is so amazing and deserved to come home. I'm so sorry I couldn't save her." I say to her mother, who is now dying and had to tell her kid. Only one left. Harry is at her side, holding her hand.

" Hugo, you are a lovely young man, and I this you should know that-" she broke off. "what, what?" I ask her pleading for an answer. "by the way she looked at you, Hugo, I know that- that she loves you."


*2 days later*

I can't live my self. I know now I love her too. Cesar with interview me one more time. "just for old times sake!" Cesar had said. It will be hard, going up on that stage, now that she's gone. its too hard to think that, too. I thought I was to die for her but, I dont know anymore.


I'm about to go stage with Cesar. I'm wearing a midnight tux. this time, no jewels. no nothing, just midnight blue.

"hello Hugo!" Cesar says. I suppress a sigh and say, "hi Cesar."

"why just midnight? I mean where's the bedazel?" he says with a laugh. "well Cesar, it represents me. its just empty nothing special about it." I reply.

"well, why is that?" he asks, leaning in for the answer.

"Because," I take a deep breath,"that's how I felt when Hazel died." I finally get the words through my system. The crowd takes a long look at me, then burst into whoops and cheers and claps. they think its for the games. THEY THINK THIS IS FOR THE GAMES! I scream at myself. I can see Dayton smiling at me. smiling at me. He thinks it for the games. I run off stage and go to my room in the training station. we'll be here for a few days, then we'll live happily ever after back at district 4. I ignored everyone at the door, until I see Tandoori's face on the monitor. "Let Tandoori in, please." I say as she slips in. "you loved her. it wasn't for show, you really love her." she says. I nod. "my goodness Hugo, I know how it feels to lose someone you love deeply. my father scolded me for loving someone who hated the capital and soon killed him." she says it with shyness and is about to burst into tears. "I just loved him so much." she says, then instead of crying like I figured she would, she stood taller. She pushed her capital mind down and stood taller when she was supposed to be weak.


That was a few months ago. whenever I think of hazel, I stand a little taller, I mean what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Instead of moping, Hazel has taught me that no matter what obstacle life throws in my face, I can take it. and I will be ready for it.

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