Depression Took My Voice (Euthanasia Pt. 2)

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     Depression took my voice,
I didn't even speak.
All I did was zone out and stare,
Chewing on my cheek.

     Looking in the mirror, all I did was cry.
Anyone could see the pain inside my eye.
Feeling empty and hollowed, no longer living,
The only thing I felt, was my head constantly spinning.

     Creeping through the dark, trying to scream out,
No one will rescue me, without a doubt.
Please hug me, let me open up my soul,
Let it all flow out, and sever say it's getting old.

     I need rocks to cling to, while this storm washes over me.
I can't call out for help because I'm lost at sea.
See me, touch me, feel me, love me,
Guide me, hide me, notice me, breathe me.

     Help me get my voice back, before its way too late,
Or I'll be handing up my whole life on a plate.
For you to pick through, to judge me full,
Please, I'm begging you, don't let me fall down this hole.

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