Chapter 1: Savior

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Two things happened on the day that my life changed forever. One, I almost jumped off a cliff. Two, I met... no, I was saved by Bigfoot. Well, one of them. I almost jumped off the cliff because I had decided to go hiking. My therapist said that hiking could be a good way for me to deal with my depression. The problem is I didn't entirely tell them I was going alone. When I reached the top of the summit and found the cliff I walked towards it. 

There was no magnetic force pulling me. I could have just as easily turned the other way and gone back, but I didn't. I had been going to therapy, taking the antidepressants, and following all the necessary steps for a while now. They didn't seem to be working. The thoughts were still there, I still thought it'd be the easiest way out. It never is. So when I reached the cliff that day I didn't think I'd die. There was the ocean at the bottom and I had been on the diving team in High School, I could have made it just fine. 

I had wanted to fly for a few seconds. To feel the air rushing and my adrenaline pumping, feel alive again. I took my bag off and set it to the side, I didn't need it. My phone and money were tucked safely in a plastic bag I had stored in my bra. I held my arms up above my head and was preparing for a swan dive when I decided at the last second that it'd be more fun to walk off and drop like a pencil. 

Just as I was about to step off something grabbed my arm and ripped me away. I tumbled to the ground. When everything around me had stopped spinning from the impact my head made on the ground I looked up to see what was casting a large shadow on me. It was Bigfoot.

I took the furry hand it had stretched out to me and pulled myself up. 

I pulled my hand back as quickly as I could without it dislocating. Somehow I managed to simultaneously jump five feet back at the same time. "Are you okay?"

"I'd probably be more okay if I wasn't sure I'd lost all sanity and was now listening to Bigfoot talk!" How hard had I hit my head? Was I dying? Already dead? Did Bigfoot greet you when you died? That seemed like a weird afterlife system.

"Oh! I forgot." Bigfoot lifted his (I think he was a he, the voice sounded masculine) arms up to his head and suddenly it was separating from the rest of his body. This would have been scarier if a human head wasn't underneath it. So it wasn't Bigfoot but someone in a Bigfoot costume. Still not sure of a lot of stuff, mostly the dead or alive part.

I didn't get the chance to see who was under the mask because my vision was blurring slightly again and the sun seemed to shield their identity. Before I could get a closer look the head was back on. "Sorry about that. Now I'm going to ask you again, are you okay?" The beast (well technically man, beast man?) spoke slowly to emphasize his question.

"I think I'm doing as good as I can be given the circumstances." He looked like he wanted to speak, though I'm not quite sure how I could tell that given the mask when a sheer whistle echoed around us. He turned to the sound with slight frustration.

He turned back to look at me and seemed worried. "Listen, I need to go but I want you to promise me something okay?"

"You want me to promise a dude in a Bigfoot costume something?" I think my eyebrows almost receded into my hairline. He ignored my comment.

"I need you to promise me that you won't go near this cliff or the waters around it for the next few days okay? Please?" He seemed genuinely concerned for my answer and well-being for that matter. I was a little disturbed that a crazy man in a Bigfoot costume was worried about me. Although if the crazy guy thought I shouldn't go in the water, who was I to disagree?

"Alright, I promise." He let loose a sigh of relief.

"Good, now you need to go, quickly. Take your stuff and get back to your car as fast as you can." He handed me my bag and turned me in the direction I had initially come.

"But wait what if--" I had turned to talk to him only to discover that he was gone. "Okay then, I guess it's time to go."

When I reached my car later I sat in my driver's seat for a short while thinking about the events that had occurred. The only explanation I could come up with was that I had tripped and gotten a concussion. That paired with my dehydration and new antidepressants caused me to hallucinate Bigfoot. With the events logically solved I began to head home. 

It wasn't until I turned on the news that night that I realized it was not an illusion. 

"Good evening, there is an update on the recent shark sightings. Scientists confirm that it is shark mating season, as such, we advise you to avoid swimming too far from beaches. Though it is best if you do not go in the ocean for a few days. There is also a breeding ground near Hell's Temple so avoid doing any swimming or jumping in the area."

Bigfoot had saved my life. Now I wanted to know who the man in the costume was. I had to thank him.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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