Preference 29: That Would Be Enough

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Ashton: So long as you come home at the end of the day, that would be enough.

You were always worried that one day, someday, Ashton would decide that you weren't good enough for him, that he would realize that he could do better, and leave you with empty eyes and a broken heart. However, time and time again he would prove you wrong whenever he walked in through the front door, always ready to give you a hug and a kiss, whether it be for him or for you, whether it be a bad day or a good one. When he did, you would always breath a sigh of relief, and he would always ask you, "Why do you sound so relieved?" You would then smile and give out a small laugh. "I'm just glad you came home." And his response? "I will always come home."

Calum: Look at where you are, look at where you started

Calum and the boys have went through quite a lot in the last 5 years. From opening for Hot Chelle Rae and One Direction to a world tour (SLFL). Through it all, you have always been so proud and supportive of him. After all, it was your support that brought you two together. You never expected to be dating Calum out of all people, but somehow, it was you that he noticed out of 9,000 people, it was you that he asked the security team to send for, and it was you that he truly connected with. In short, his passion for music not only brought the band together, but it also brought the two of you together, cause if he hadn't picked up a guitar, if he hadn't stopped playing football, then the best thing in his life next to his bandmates, wouldn't have existed in the first place: your love for one another. 

Luke: We don't need a legacy

Luke always wanted something of his to outlive him, to still be in the minds of people even when he has passed. This was why he was so determined to make good music so that people would remember 5sos for as long as they can, and that they hopefully get the next generation to listen to their music even when he was gone. Because of this, he managed to push you away for the sake of a legacy. You didn't really mind at first, but when you finally pieced the puzzle together, you were a bit saddened at the thought of it. So one night, you confronted him and the two of you spent all night talking. When you both finally decided to get some sleep, you pressed a kiss to his forehead and reminded him that even if people would no longer remember 5sos, you would always stand by his side and love him with all your heart.

Michael: Let me be a part of the narrative

Michael knew that if the both of you came public about your relationship to the media and to the fans, there would tons and tons of backlash day by day and because of that, he was afraid. He begged you day by day to postpone the day you would tell the world about you and Michael. You understood why he wanted it to be a secret, but you were growing tired of having to sneak around just to see him, so why couldn't he understand that you knew the consequences and all the hate you were going to receive? You knew what you signed up for, and yet you were willing to be with him. When you brought that up he had no response whatsoever. You realized you made a chink in his armor, so you pleaded with him to let you be a part of his life, both his public and his private life. And so, he did, and you became part of the story and the life that was Michael's.

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