CHAPTER 5: Gringotts

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Fetching his travelling cloak from his room finding Taio there who decided he would accompany him, he shadowed behind Weasleys wizard wheezes casting a disillusion spell on himself he apparated right into the staff kitchen. He saw Fred making a cup of tea, he hadn’t noticed he was there so he silently approached and put his wand at Fred's throat.
“Death to all chickens” said Snake
“What? Who are you?” replied Manic
“I’m sorry Manic, this will all make sense soon” Harry cast a quick stupify and cast a homelum revelio spell and found George in a bedroom, he silently approached and placed his wand at George’s throat and said “Death to all chickens” George looked as confused as Fred did, Harry stunned him and levitated him towards Fred.
He revived Fred first and dropped his disillusioned spell.
“Fred I know this is confusing and I need you to trust me. You’ve been obliviated and are under compulsions. I need to enter your mind and remove them. Do you understand?’ Asked Harry
“I trust you Harry go for it” Fred said looking straight at Harry with a determined look, Harry gave him a fond smile and then entered his scape and pushed his magic to rip away all the foreign magic. He exited and muttered his Parsel spell to protect his mind. He then repeated the process with George
“Welcome back manic and Panic, you were a bit to quiet during the holidays so I decided to break in and clean up. How are you both feeling” asked snake
“like shit” they replied
“wonderful so it worked, I broke through all my binds and I’m currently staying with Bleach’ s, Basilisk is human a fine human... we have yet to fall well we're in the process of falling” sighed Harry
“Process of we want to know? What have you been up to Snake?” Asked manic
“Yes Snake, have you spent much time with this fine human?” Asked Panic
“I didn’t have much chance, I was distracted by his shirtless chest and he used that to strap me to a bed” smirked Harry, he was gloating a bit but it was probably the best sex he had ever had.
“Mia is going to kill you, but we will both follow you anywhere” replied Manic
“I know you will, Knight and Mia should be here soon as I have an appointment at Gringotts at 11. You guys need to go through your memories before our next meeting you'll need to be reacquainted with your animagus forms to reach us at Hogwarts I’m sure knight is going to kit you out with time turners”
Speaking of his two very best friends there was a buzzing noise that indicated they had visitors Harry quickly disillusioned himself and went to hide in the bedroom just incase it wasn’t them  whilst George went to answer the door.
“You couldn’t of sent a quick message to say you were here, we all thought it might’ve been Dumbledore coming to make sure we’re still avoiding you so we can’t pass messages on, be friends with snake or be any help whatsoever.”
“Sorry we just escaped, Ginny has been terrible the past few days talking about what manor she’s going to live at and planning how she’s going to have the Potter promise ring for Christmas” replied Knight
“She'll have to fight it off the Dark Lord's finger” replied panic
Harry walked into the room with his head bowed looking like a man resigned to his death
“Yes, Hermione my beautiful best friend have I told you how lucky I am to be alive and able to spend my time with you?”
“Oh no, that’s not going to work Harry James Potter what does Panic mean about the Dark Lord. I only left you alone for a couple of days we shouldn’t of fallen that easily!” questioned Mia
“As I said to these traitors he used a moment when I was distracted by his greek god naked chest and he pinned me to bed placed a cock ring so I couldn’t cum and I had to call him master where he tortured me into a submissive pet, he spoke to me in parseltongue which was incredibly sexy, It made my mind foggy I'd love for you to try ignore that. We haven’t fallen yet we are not dark we are still neutral but we are falling towards the Dark. I think I want Umbridge for my welcoming gift, then dinner and assistance with the werewolf ward I think me and him together will be enough power to place it. “ Harry was met with blank looks which he just raised a silent question off “Yes?”
“You had extremely hot sex, and he didn’t even ask you to join him whilst you were in your lust filled haze where you probably would off signed over one of your vaults? He made you submissive but you've clearly caught his attention. I just can’t even... You just live to do  the impossible don’t you?” Mia rhetorically asked. The others murmured their agreements.
“No, I’m not going to give in that easily it could possibly be the best sex I’ve had but that’s not enough to convince me. We have talked about our opinions on creatures, races, Hogwarts and muggleborns we have very similar goals so us joining won’t be too much of a change, I don’t want us to be traditional death eaters I mean I think we’re all going to be hands on with researching, planning and destroying dumbledore. It would be good for him to witness how we all work, maybe we could attend elite meetings more minds more ideas more chance of success? “ Harry suggested
“That could definitely work, and we know that we can sneak in and out of the ministry and Hogwarts undetected, we could shadow or you could flame them into the chamber if we double up with them for research or when we find the Gryffindor rooms. “ said Knight.
“Okay well I’ll mention it to Tom when it comes to it, I have an appointment to get too. Manic, Panic be careful what you eat check for potions I’ve protected your minds but you should be able to detect what spells Dumbledore is using against you and act according to how he wants you to be for now. We don’t want anyone getting caught out so masks on.” Harry said getting up and stretching it was only then did they see the marks around his wrists he flashed them an unashamed smile and led Mia and Knight out drawing their hoods and casting notice me not charms so they could reach Gringotts.
Harry approached the desk, placing his hand showing his Lordships rings and he had let his friendship gift be obvious, the Goblin looked up when he approached and Harry swore he heard a squeek
“I have an appointment with Ragnok at 11” Said Harry in Gobbledygook
“Follow me” “Ah Welcome back friend and friends of Lord Potter, if you would like to follow me to our ritual room we can go through your check up first.”Greeted Ragnok when they entered his office
“Very well” they followed Ragnok into a bare room with a large stone sculptures of Goblins in battle. There wasn’t much in the room a few chairs and a large reclining chair in the centre which Ragnok indicated Harry to sit on, as he sat down a smaller Goblin by the name of Hadrunk entered the room he declined the chair so Harry was laying down and started chanting in Gobbledygook waving his hand in intricate patterns he snapped his fingers and a scroll of parchment appeared when it finished scribing, the Goblin swore and passed the parchment to Harry to scan through
Magical Bind 50% blocked
Metamorphmagus 100%
Magical signature indicates; Albus Dumbledore
“HOLY SHIT I knew he was trying to kill me but BINDING MY MAGIC! “ Harry yelled
“What?! That’s dangerous you'd be lucky to make it too 17 with that amount blocked” Knight replied. Mia was to shocked to respond, Harry turned to Hadrunk
“is it possible to undo these binds today Hadrunk” he was trying to remain calm, Dumbledore was dying a painful death
“Yes young Lord if your friends would return to Ragnoks office whilst I remove them just incase there is any backlash” requested Hadrunk, Knight pulled Mia up and led her out of the room.
“Okay so this is going to be quite painful and once your bind is broken you might have a flux in your magic for a few days. Your metamorphmagus may take a while to respond but you seem to be able in the use of glamours and concealing charms” he reclined the chair and started chanting and waving both his hands, the magic in the room seemed to grow thick and Harry started glowing green, he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes in the hope it was over soon. After a few minutes there was a big whoosh and his magic seemed to push outwards and only because he was expecting it did Hadrunk manage to stay on his feet, his magic was thrumming under his skin It seemed happy and Harry couldn’t keep the smile of his face. He sat up and profusely thanks Hadrunk for his assistance and went in the direction of Ragnoks office.
Knocking before entering, he walked in and took a seat in front of him on the usually empty desk was a large box.
“Thank you for arranging that Ragnok, it was a surprise to me that Dumbledore went to that extreme to keep me weak. I do have much to talk to you about today.”
“That’s fine Harry but before you continue perhaps your curious about what this box contains...if you recall on your last visit we mentioned making you some custom weapons these are the finished products”
“I have to admit I am very excited to see what’s in here”
Open the box Harry couldn’t contain the gasp that  escaped he was staring at 10 pieces of beautiful made weapons
3 Goblin Made throwing knives with his combined house crests on the handle, they were pure black, with a smoke effect you could feel the enchantments on them they were stunning.
2 Kukri knives that had a snake scale pattern on the blade, the main color was black but when you moved they shone a killing curse green, they too held his combined house crests, the handle had a snake coiling around his crest and wrapping around to form a comfortable hold.
A set of three throwing stars that were pure black but the edge looked dipped in fresh blood
A dagger with a holster to be fitted to his ankle
And finally a beautiful scimitar that had the same snakes scale pattern, the large blade was pitch black until it moved and the killing curse green appeared between the scales with his family crest surrounded by a snake.
“holy fucking shit! These are incredible Ragnok when you said I would be gifted weapons I didn’t know what to expect but this is way more then I ever would of imagined. Thank you”
Ron and Hermione were openly gaping in awe at Harry’s weapons, “bloody hell Harry, they are beautiful it sorta makes me want to go on a killing spree just so I can show them off”
“Oh I know Ron, I can’t say that I haven’t hard the same idea, I can feel the magic coming of them they are amazing”
“Yes Harry, we placed blood lock charms so once you have smeared blood on the blades they will always appear to you and your blood line when called, they are protected from chips, breaks and rust, they self clean and you can push your magic through them during battle, I’m glad you are pleased.” Harry cut his hand and placed blood on each weapon to show he truly did want them, he was gobsmacked he couldn’t wait to go back to Malfoy Manor and test them out.
“Thank you, on to business after all time is money is it not? I have heard rumours that Dumbledore is using my seats as proxy... I’m hoping we could add a few clauses to stop him using Black, Peverell and Gryffindor. My suggestion for the black would be if the Lord is unable to sit in the seat then the next available blood relative will automatically be proxy in this case it would be Narcissa Malfoy, for Peverell it would be if the Lord is unable to sit in the seat then the heir is able to choose a proxy and Gryffindor I was hoping we could add that only those of Gryffindor blood can sit in the seat. Is that reasonable?” Asked Harry
“ Yes I think with some intricate word okay we'll be able to block Dumbledore from accessing those seats, he'll be able to sit in the Potter seat unfortunately. Now I know you have plans for Peverell Manor and have allowed us access to start constructing it should be finished by the end of the second week of September. Your investments are flourishing, your magic is free. Is there anything else we can do for you today?”
“Actually Ragnok, we had a message from our friend Luna last night and she suggested we both have a family blood test done. It’s never a good idea to ignore her warnings so could we do that here?” Asked Knight, surprising snake.
Ragnok nodded and pulled out a dagger and a piece of parchment. “please allow 7 drops to fall on to this parchment”
Ron went first and was surprised to see he was entitled to be the Lord of the Noble and Most ancient House of Prewett.
“ I believe as none of your brothers had laid claim to the house or if they have they were deemed unworthy, if you’d like to claim your title, simple call the ring to you by stating your claim.”
“I Ronald Billius Weasley do hereby claim the Lordship to the House of Prewett “ there was a bright light and then the Lordship ring appeared on Knight's finger.
Hermione went next and she thought she had enough surprises for one day but was completely shocked to see that she was entitled to be Lady of the Noble and Most Ancient house of Martinez. A line most believe had died out.
“This Is most unexpected, I will provide a folder of your accounts with a list of property, investments and possessions before you leave. If you’d like to call your ring to you just state your claim” said Ragnok
‘I Hermione Jean Granger do hereby claim the Lordship to the House of Martinez” a bright light and Hermione received her ring.
“I think I can’t handle anymore today. Here are your account summaries if there are any problems please send me a letter and I will arrange an appointment. Also your account cards and vault keys.”
“Thank you Ragnok, always a pleasure”
“Until next time Harry”
The trio pulled up their hoods placed simple glamours on and cast notice me not charms leaving Gringotts and headed in the direction of Knockturn Alley, Harry wanted to check in with Danielle at the Potion shop.
Danielle was in the office when they arrived, they knocked but they could hear that someone was crying.
“Danielle? It’s me Harry are you okay?” Danielle opened the door and flung her arms around Harry
“Oh harry I couldn’t save them, I couldn’t there was nothing I could of done they were cubs they hadn’t hurt anyone.” Sniffed Danielle
“ What’s happened?” Asked Mia
“ Wolves are being hunted, it started a few weeks ago I’ve had so many come in with spell damage and cuts I’ve managed to heal them, but I couldn’t save them 3 cubs the youngest was 2 they were found by hunters whilst playing just outside of their pack I’ve never seen anything like it before the oldest had signs of rape too. The sick bastards won’t stop all because of that toad woman opening a new department at the ministry. Something about werewolf protection but were just being slaughtered like vermin.”
“This will be dealt with, I need your help by the end of the second week of September I will be opening a sanctuary that will only be accessible to werewolves and my most trusted friends. It’s having alterations at the moment but I can take you for a visit before then, I’ll have finished my ward so once that’s in place I would provide you with as many portkeys as possible maybe we could arrange a meet up on the day it’s finished and get as many wolves moved quickly. I need to speak to Alpha and rescue Moony. This will not go unpunished I will find the bastards who did this.”
“ I’ve put all the information I’ve been made aware of in a file I’m hoping it helps, there are photos of injuries as well. I knew you said you would fix this but a sanctuary is it’s there are no words I don’t think you understand Just how many lives you are saving. You’re a great person I don’t know how to thank you” said Danielle. Harry looked at Mia and Knight he wasn’t sure what to do he didn’t think he was being all that great but Danielle sounded sincere and it felt...he wasn’t sure it was a warm feeling. So he just pulled her into a hug and let her thank him repeatedly.
“ it was the least of what I could do, I'd never use the manor and I hate how werewolves are treated my uncle is a werewolf and I wouldn’t know what I'd do if I lost my last remaining family member so he needs to be safe. I really need nothing in return. I can’t stay much longer as Cissa Malfoy will chew my ear about missing another meal. Would it be possible to pick up 3 months worth of potions.. Wolfsbane, system flush, bone straightening and nutrients please” asked Harry
“Sure Harry, I hope you get your uncle to safety soon, I’ll start sharing the news if Alpha pops in should I pass on the message of you needing to talk? “ she placed the potions in a box and shrunk them handing the box and file over to Harry
“ Yes, just mention what I’m offering and that I'd like to meet him and show him the sanctuary I think the Dark Lord will be in touch to arrange it. I need to get going but I promise I’ll be back in touch soon” The trio left the shop.
“ Harry your doing what you can, this is your fault it’s Umbridge’s and Dumbledore's soon they won’t be a problem. We'll catch these monsters and give them what they deserve. For now concentrate on planning and we will destroy them.” Promised Mia.
“You're right, I just keep thinking that if Dumbledore wasn’t obliviating us I could of had this handle by now, I’ve scanned this file and it’s awful what they did Mia. You'll need to use time turners so your definitely not caught we need to tread carefully until were back in the castle. I’ll talk to you both later only a few more days until I’m back in my hell hole” with a quick hug and handshake Harry moved with his shadows into the entrance hall of Malfoy Manor he was pissed of he quickly placed his cloak and the potions into his room and walked in to the duelling room.
He took a few calming breathes but it didn’t help so he flung his magic out in a silent scream and closed his eyes not noticing the damage he was making until there was a shout of his name.
“What?” Asked Harry turning to face the Dark Lord
“ I don’t think Lucius will appreciate his manor crumbling” Harry spun around and saw the damage he made the floor was warped there was large crack in the ceiling and walls
“ did not notice that.. hmm best fix it” removing his wand and flicking it once and the damage repaired itself.
“ Did you trip not go well?” Asked Tom
“ Mostly, I was presented my weapons and they are beautiful. Mia and Knight were able to claim titles they didn’t know they were eligible for. I’ve arranged the clauses so Lucius and Narcissa should be fine to use my seats. Oh apparently I’m a Metamorphmagus but Dumbledore blocked it as well as placing a 50% bind on my magic. It was a trip to the wolf shop that’s pissed me off I’ll show you the file... and I’ve decided I have some advice for you if you want me to join your side” ranted Harry
“go on what do you suggest?”
“ I think Umbridge would be a nice welcoming gift, I like food especially in Germany and wouldn’t it be great to help me place the ward around technically our family manor. I’m sure my team have a few choice curses for Madame toad.”
“So you want me to take you to dinner, help you with a ward and put Umbridge at your feet? That’s it?”
“ No, but I’m sure you'll think of something to pass the time whilst I wait for you to kidnap Umbridge... You'll have to show me how much you want me. Can you do that Tom?” by this point Tom was behind Harry with his hands tightly gripping his hips, pressing light kisses and nibbling round his ear and biting his neck.
“I always get what I want Snake” placing more kisses to Harry’s neck before walking out of the room, missing the victorious smirk that appeared on the teens face. Both making their way to the dining hall.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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