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Wow now I can say a lot about planes considering I took 8 plane rides within like 6 weeks so here we go!


-Plane food is like food from HELL! I mean usally I nearly throw up just smelling it or even looking at it. WHY CAN'T THEY HAVE NICE FOOD!!!?????

-Crying babies..... They are so fucking annoying and I hate when they are close by and never shut up! PEOPLE WE NEED SOUND PROOF CONTAINERS TO PUT THEM IN!!!!! (of course they can still breath)

-I hate it when the flight attendants wake you up just to ask you to move your chair forward when food is being served. I want to sleep with my chair back cus I'm not eating any of that crap you call food, so DON'T FUCKING WAKE ME UP MOTHER FUCKER BECAUSE I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP!!! (no offfence to flight attendents). Plus I start to feel sick when I put my chair foward.

-If there wasn't in flight entertainment I would die due to lack of entertainment or I would sleep but who is able to sleep throughout the full duration of a 13 hour flight?

-Never watch air crash investigations before going on a plane.


Sorry I took so long guys I don't really have any ideas.. So ideas would be really appreciated. Thx Brighid for the ideas <3

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Peace out my homies!

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