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I've got the best one for this chapter SCHOOL! But this will be pretty much EVERYTHING I hate about school and about one or two things I like.

-I don't think teachers understand that we, as students, teenagers, actually HAVE a life out of school. I mean they are always giving is HOMEwork!

No one. I repeat no one likes homework and we do have bloody social lives! (Well I don't really but umm...... That's not the point!)

-We all know that one of the only reasons we like going to school is because of our friends. I guess if we didn't have them school would be absolute bullshit.

-When the teacher tells you off for talking.... FUCK NO! It's like that funny post I've seen:

Teacher- 'Stop interrupting the class!' Me- 'Stop interrupting my conversation.'

Or it's something like that but you get my point right? If I wanna talk I talk.

-Lockers. My bloody locker is in a freaking demountable in the furthest corner of the school... I MEAN COME ON! They need to put all the lockers along one corridor so it's not so dam inconvenient! I hardly go to my locker because it's near like nothing except my math class! Is this a problem for any of you guys?

-The teachers expect all the students to sit on their butts for like an hour, not talk and pay attention to fucking award assembly's. I mean I know it's respecting the person but I don't need to be there! I'm not getting the dam award! And it's too boring for words!

-I dunno about you guys but I go to a school in Australia and the canteen price keep, going, up...... It's like they don't want us to eat! They are robbing us of our money!! Assholes!

-'No phones!' Fuck you teacher we aren't in class give me a break! I can use my phone if I want.

-I hate how all these new rules have been introduced! We can't leave school at 16 anymore, my school stopped supplying us with laptops the fucking year my grade was meant to get them and they spend all the schools money on buying a bloody house to use as a staff room! fuck no!


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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