A Journey

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I decided to take a walk to the water fountain. Due to my slave-rider being asleep, i left without him. Mayor Will heavily punishes anyone being seen without a slave-rider, but the water fountain isn't far, so i should be alright. I made it there, and began to drink, when I heard some twigs snapping a few feet away. I looked all around me, and whinnied out a "hello..?"

There were some quick hoofsteps, but no official response. It was definitely coming from the woods. Gosh, we aren't supposed to leave the town, but i need to know what's out there. I trotted into the woods, and whinnied again, "hello-o-o-o.....?"

This time, I got a response, a low pitched "Who are you?"

I looked to my left, and there he was. The most beautiful stallion I've ever seen. He had wonderful eyebrows. He was a buckskin, with a long dark mane, and daring eyes that screamed of danger. His hindquarters were very toned and muscular, but at the same time they were tender and delicate.

"H-hello?" i tried to continue speaking, but all that came out was a soft whimper.

After what seemed like an eternity of eye contact, the horse opened his mouth to speak.

"My name is spirit, and i want to know why you're on my territory"

"I-I, uh, just wanted a drink of water" god, why am i so nervous? he's just a horse for will's sake!

"Well you got your water, now leave." His voice was stern. Before i knew it, my legs started moving in the opposite direction, despite my longing to stay with him.

As I emerged out of the woods, my eyes widened in shock as i saw my slave-rider in shackles, being held by the hair by mayor Will.

"Foxy, you went off without your rider, and as you may know, the punishment for violating this law is banishment."

After a minute of standing still in stock, I was finally able to muster up a reply.

"B-but i only wanted water! This is my home! You can't just get rid of me!!" My voice is shaky, and almost incoherent.

"There are no exceptions. Pack your things, and we will send you off by midnight."

That's when the anger came, And without thinking, I quickly ran back into the woods, and galloped as far as I could.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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