Destined to meet...

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She's sophisticated.

Beautiful. Full of riches...and boys.

He's your typical boy next door with charms to die for as they say.

Destiny. Fate.

Not everyone believes it.

She said, "Only stupid people believe it."

He said, "I'd be glad to meet my destiny."

One is hoping, the other doesn't care.

What will destiny give them?

Love. Hatred. Pain. Sadness. Joy.

Happy Ending that only happens in fairytales?

I don't know. Maybe...ALL ^___^

***Author's Note :)

Ayan... So halata namang hindi ako marunong gumawa ng prologue. HAHA XD

First time ng lola mo teh. I'll post the chapter one kung may mag Vote. Comment. Fan or whatsoever. Ayun lang. Salamaaaat :P

Destined to meet...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon