Chapter 5

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"Beginnings are usually scary,endings are usually sad, but it what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up, and it will."
-Steven Rogers         


That was the longest 21 hours of my life, mum made new friends quicker than I finished my credit card and that was saying something.
Australia's scorching sun hit my face making me squint, I wheeled my purple  suitcase towards the run-down yellow car. The driver dropped my bags into the trunk creating a jerk from the vehicle, I winced.

Once inside I wiped my hands thoroughly with my wipes, mum was giving directions.

"Rose Bay Street please, post code 20JJ , block number 60. Thank you"

The driver was typing away on his device no doubt putting all the information down, I witnessed a text message that reflected from the mirror.

I'm coming...

I couldn't see my mum's attitude towards the information that glowed on her screen, probably a stupid prank.
I didn't ask because that meant interacting with her and I wasn't yet ready.

The drive was silent, looking out the window I saw the stretch of ocean. I strained my ears trying to hear the waves crashing down on the sand. The seaside always made me feel safe with its hot gritty sand that seemed endless.
I could hear soft snoring coming from the front, I dug out my iPod sticking in my earphones.
Mozart ringing through my ears I drifted to sleep.


I felt a hand shaking me vigorously.

"Wake up sweetie, come on."

I could feel her blond hair tickling my face, I opened my eyes groaning.

"We're here!" She beamed


Sighing she tugged me out of the car, leaving me at the sidewalk. As my eyes adjusted to the light I was greeted with adjoining buildings, they snaked around me leaving a gap. The trees were dead casting a gloomy feeling, the brown fading off the home.

"Mum wait!" I screeched
Ignoring me she walked in, I ran after her  clutching my backpack tightly.

"The elevator isn't working common we're getting the stairs."

"Yay" my tone oozing with sarcasm.

She shook her head and started on the stairs me behind her, the stairs were steep making me breathless, was I that unfit?
Fortunately, we reached our destination digging out the keys mum opened the door.

"This is our new home honey, how do you like it?"

"Interesting...where are all the furnitures an-"

"Oh we'll have to decorate it of course, but for now we'll be sleeping on the mattress I ordered."

"Why didn't you order the other stuff as well?!"

"I need a job first you know, before I can buy things."
A fight was evident in the air but with her eyes silently pleading I couldn't speak another word. 
This was hard on her too she had never worked a day in her life, I guess the life of luxury is gone for the both of us.

"Where's my room?"

"Through the hall to the left."


"Do you want some food we could or-"

"Not hungry."

Walking away I found my room and closed the door behind me, throwing myself on the mattress. The walls were bare, the room tiny, this would have to do. I buried my face deeper into the pillow until I heard a knock.

"Just wanted to let you know the school called back they said you can start straight away. Isn't that amazing, I'll drop you off tomorrow while I hunt for jobs. Does that sound like a plan?"

What! What! What!

"Yayyyy can't wait"
I sang pulling a fake smile. She smiled so wide I swear her face was going to split in two.
No. No. No.
I can't go to school yet I'm not ready, it takes time and planning.

I pulled out my tablet, and googled how to survive the first day of school, thinking about how Sasha and Lucy would be laughing at me right now. Heck! I would be laughing at myself too, I needed to get my shit together.

Instead of being pathetic, I started watching some crap show on Netflix to pass time.
That is how I spent my night watching animals eat each other, in a repeating cycle. And I wondered if that's what humans did too.


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