On the Road 2

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It had been over a week, and she felt like they had a routine going. She'd timed her piss breaks perfectly, her accent was more authentic, she hadn't any more confrontations with Jaquen, or Yoren, or the figure of her father in her dreams. She was always anxious to sleep, but had yet to see her father again. But she had faith he would return, he'd said he would, and he always kept his word.

She was even more comfortable with her immediate companions, she felt herself smiling and laughing more, not often, but more. They'd finished all the apples and they were the best she'd ever tasted. Once she accepted that Lommy and Hot Pie were just idiots, young and naïve, she began to find them amusing. Some of the things they said were just so stupid and unfounded, that rather than try to argue with them, she let them talk in circles.

"The food'll be better at The Wall." Hot Pie states assuredly.

"Yeah, what makes you so sure?" Lommy questions.

"Well, they'll have kitchens, anyway. Maybe they'll act'ally let me help. That'll be something."

"Who cares about the food? It'll be bloody cold." Lommy complains, to which Gendry grumbles his ascent.

"Maybe not. They must got fires and warm coats and the like." Hot Pie suggests.

"People have survived for generations on The Wall, and generations more. If you're strong, work hard, you'll be fine." She says.

"You won't need a coat, you gots all that extra fat to keep warm." Lommy jokes, shoving Hot Pie and then running away.

"Oye, fuck you." Hot Pie defends.

"You'll be fine, you'll be in the kitchen." Gendry says.

"And you'll be in the forge. But Ari and I will for sure freeze, we ain't got no meat on our bones." Lommy worries.

"Everyone fights, no matter what. Every man is expected to defend The Wall."

"From what?" Gendry asks seriously.

"What do you know 'bout it?" Hot Pie asks at the same time.

"Ari's got a brother on The Wall." Gendry explains. She glares at him, but he doesn't notice or pretends he doesn't.

Lommy and Hot Pie look at Ari with newfound interest.

"Oye. Don't hold out on us." Hot Pie says.

"Yeah, what's it like?" Lommy asks.

"I've never been."

"Still, ya gotta know something." They plead.

"How's the food?" Hot Pie asks again.

"I dunno. There's fewer animals up there, 'cause the cold." Hot Pie's face drops at that. "But the surrounding districts give something during the coldest months. No one'll let The Watch starve to death. Without them... us, the realm would be lost."

"But what's up there? What're we fighting?" Gendry asks.

"I heard stories, that's all. But, I don't know."

"Well, one thing, I know there ain't no women up there." Lommy whines.

"Damn shame, that." Hot Pie laments.

"What do you care? You ain't never been with a girl." Lommy teases.

"How do you know? Have you?" Hot Pie counters.

"No, but I saw plenty naked." Lommy says. Both Hot Pie and Gendry look doubtful at that, but interested. Even Arya is attentive, this story should be good. "Most of the women would get naked while dyin', to keep their clothes clean. I remember the sight o' their titties bouncing as they worked, pink nipples, sometimes brown. I touched one once, Merilee was next to me, she turned and hit me in the face with one. Best moment of my life." He has a wistful smile on his face, but the others are laughing. Arya might have found such a story crude once, but now she just finds it sad. The best moment of his life, and he'll not get another like it.

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