Chapter 1

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{For background information read the summary}

"Michael Gordon Clifford!" Michael's servant yelled from the hallway. Michael looked up from his 3DS. "I thought your mother told you never to hang out with that dirty peasant boy again!" She continued to yell.

"Yeah, she did." Michael replied, mockingly. His servant burst through the door.

"I will tell your mother you've been hanging out with the dirty gay rat again!" She shouted.

"Don't you dare call Calum a rat!" Micheal jumped to the floor, and shouted. He got extremely mad when people would insult his only friend, Calum Hood. "Out of my room!" He shouted furiously, pointing towards the door. The servant gave him an appalled look, but she left before Michael could continue his outburst.

Michael often had these outbursts. They usually consisted of him screaming and shouting. Sometimes he'd throw things, other times he'd throw punches. All the people, his servants, around him insulted Calum. 'Calum's a dirty peasant,' 'Calum's a bad influence,' was all he heard. Not to mention his anger issues. Anything could piss him off, anything.

The servants supposedly 'behind his back,' would comment about his hair, and appearance. How he styled it, how he dyed it, how it he never looked presentable. Michael hated his life as a prince and wanted to run away to America with Calum.

Michael saved his Pokémon game, Moon, closed his 3DS, and lied down. He rolled on to his back, and began to think how he'd get away with running away.

"We'd have to dye our hair. No that's dumb. Maybe we could find a make up artist to make us look like other people." Michael whispered to him self as he devised his plan. Then there was a knock at the door. "What?" He answered in an annoyed tone.

A servant opened the door. "Michael, do you remember when your mother said you'd be meeting a princess you'll marry soon?" She asked shyly. Michael's eyes widened. 'No, I forgot! Michael thought.

"Yeah..." he said nervously.

"Well, she'll be here for supper. So get dressed, nicely, and come down stairs." She said, then he left.

Michael rolled out of his bed. "I can plan later." He said walking over to his closet. "Now, time to pick out an outfit that will give a bad first impression."


'Prince Michael Clifford will soon become king'
Calum read as he scrolled through random articles. "Yeah right." He scoffed. "Michael's gay as all hell. There's no way he'd marry a princess."

"Calum! Time for dinner!" His mother called. Before Calum went down stairs he decided to quickly text Michael.

Cal-Pal: Good luck, buddy.
Mikey: ?
Cal-Pal: Good luck on meeting your princess today.
Mikey: Oh wow, thanks for the support.
Cal-Pal: No problem.
Mikey: When we run away to America, I can marry a boy!
Cal-Pal: Aw, our little kitten's growing up.
Mikey: Never do that again.
Cal-Pal: Will that boy be me?
Mikey: No offense, but probably not. Your not my type. Also you're my only friend, it'd be really awkward.
Cal-Pal: :(
Mikey: Just because you kissed me that ONE time doesn't mean I wanna marry you.
Cal-Pal: My mom's calling me down for dinner, bye!
Mikey: Bye Cal!


Michael had picked out an outfit for dinner. Black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees, a plain white shirt, and his flannel that said idiot on the back in white paint. Also knees socks.

Michael stepped down the stairs, and into the dining room. There she was, the person he had never met that he'd be marrying in a few months. He almost gagged at the site of her. Makeup caked on her face, crystal earrings, long two toned hair that reach her butt, and a dress that was skimpy-ish.

Michael pulled out a chair and sat down. "Michael, may I speak to you please?" One of his servants called. He got up from his seat and walked over.

"What?" Michael asked annoyed.

"I told you to dress nice." The servant complained.

"I don't own anything nice." Michael defended.

"You own a whole closet of nice clothes." The servant spat out. "Now, go sit down."

Michael sat back down in his original seat. "Michael this is Riley." Michael subtlety waved.

"Hi Michael." She spoke.

"I'm going to leave you two."  All the servants left the room.

"You're hot." Riley told Michael. He so badly wanted to get up and leave. This was possibly the most uncomfortable situation he'd been put in. "You're not blushing, shall I compliment you more?"

'Please Calum, come and save me.' As if on cue he got a phone call, Calum. "Um... excuse me my cousin's calling me." He lied to make it sound more important. Michael left the dining room. "Thanks Calum, you just saved my butt."

"Save you from an awkward dinner?" Calum asked.

"Yeah." Michael replied.

"Michael! Get back to the dining table, your calls aren't important right now." One of his servants called from down the hall.

"Your calls aren't important right now." Michael mocked his servant. Calum laughed on the other line. "Bye, Cal." Michael hung up and walked back to the dining table.

From Prince to No One {Mashton & Cake}Where stories live. Discover now