Chapter 2

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Ashton opened his eyes. He looked at the ceiling. "What time is it?" He asked, reaching for his phone. "5:03." Ashton always woke up early, sometimes too early. He put his phone down and got out of bed.

He went over to his roommate Luke's room. He quickly knocked. "Luke, get up, classes start in thirty minutes!" Ashton yelled. He heard Luke groan from his room.

After Ashton got dressed he noticed Luke's door was still closed. He twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open. Luke was sitting on the floor with his earbuds in, drawing something. "Luke come on, you can't be late to classes again."

Luke took out one earbud. 'I can't speak.' He mouthed. "Lucas, are you sick?" Luke nodded. "Do you want me to make you some coffee?" He nodded again. "Okay be right back."

Ashton brought Luke is coffee and set it on his nightstand. "If you're going to draw at least draw on your desk." Ashton complained. Luke gave Ashton a 'really' kind of look and got up onto his bed.

"Well, I'm going to get to my classes. Text me if you need anything." Ashton left.

Ashton stepped out into the cold Michigan air. The grass was wet as usual, so he never wears his nice shoes. He listen to his music as he walked from the dorms to where the classes were.


Calum rolled out of bed. He was planning for Michael to come over, so they could plan their escape.

Later, there was a knock at the door. Calum got of his couch and opened the door. "Look our prince has arrived!" He said to annoy Michael. Michael gave him an annoyed look. "So how'd your date go?"

"Don't call it that." Michael punched his arm. "And Riley she's..."

"Ugly? Pretty? Turned you straight?!" Calum excitedly answered. Michael put his face in his hands.

"No you idiot! She's fricken stupid. She has no common knowledge." He shouted. "Anyway, I was thinking we move to this place called um... Michigan I think."

"Why there?" Calum asked opening the fridge. He handed Michael a Pepsi.

"No one will ever guess we'd go there. It's an irrelevant state in America, that's only known for Detroit, and being shaped like a mitten." He answered, pulling off the tab to his pop can.

"Sounds good, but we are becoming citizens right?" Cal questioned. Michael nodded. "Okay."

"I hope America isn't as homophobic as here." Michael said, worried.

1 Week Later

Michael continued to pack up his stuff. Only some clothes, his games, and his other things into one suit case. He threw on his trench coat, and ran down stairs with the suitcase behind him. He slipped oh his shoes, and crept out the door locking it behind him. He threw the hood of his trench coat over his head.

Michael pulled out his phone from his pocket.

Cal-Pal: Come to my house when you finish packing

Michael couldn't steal one of the cars from the mansion, so he had to run. Calum's house luckily wasn't too far away.

Michael ran up to Calum's door and knocked. Calum swung the door open. "Come on!" Michael panted.

"Did you run the whole way here?" Cal joked.

"Yeah." Michael breathed heavily.

"Here." Calum threw a water bottle at Michael. "Let's go." He grabbed the car keys off the counter. Michael and Calum stepped out side, and Calum locked the door.

They had been driving for only a half an hour when Calum had a bad feeling. "Michael... why do I have a feeling someone's following us?"

Michael's blood ran cold. He quickly turned around. His eyes shot in all directions. "It's fine Cal. It's 1 am, people are driving around at 1 am." Michael calmed himself and Calum.

They reached the air port and quickly ran inside. The made it in the plane quickly, luckily no one said anything about Michael being about.

Michael put his hood on. "Can't let anyone see me." He whispered to Calum who was sitting right next to him. Micheal ended up falling asleep.

"We will be landing in 10 minutes." The lady over the speaker said. That's what Michael woke up to.

"How long have I been sleeping?" He asked Calum. He simply shrugged.

10 minutes later the flight had landed, and Michael and Calum were getting off the plane.

Calum opened the door of the hotel room. Michael yawned. "Michael, you slept the whole way here. How on Earth are you tired?" He asked the red haired boy. Michael leaned his suitcase up against a desk and threw his coat over a chair. He hopped in the bed nearest to the window.

Calum sighed, and sat down on the other bed. He turned off the light, and lied back.

Michael began to think about how they'd get a house. 'Do we have enough money? How do you even buy a house?' Questions like this ran through his mind. He thought about it too much and fell asleep.

From Prince to No One {Mashton & Cake}Where stories live. Discover now