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"Happy Birthday to my favorite white boy." I said. Everyone laughed. Ben stood up and raised his glass. "I wanna say thank you all for coming tonight, ya boy is finally 25." "And old." Amara cut in.

We all laughed. "Yea whatever, but y'all enjoy yourselves. Thank you." Ben sat down. I looked over at Zion who pulled his phone out. I snatched it out his hand the same second he shot his head towards me.

I smiled and rested my head on my hand. "Can I have my phone back?" He asked. "Can I get a kiss?" I asked. He sighed. "I only got one kiss today babe. That's not enough." I said.

"Can we not do this here?" He asked patiently. I bit down on my bottom lip and nodded handing him his phone back. "I'm sleeping at my Moms tonight." Zion smacked his lips.

"I don't like it when your mad at me, but you know I have to work to." "That doesn't mean you can't take a break." He said. I nodded. "I know and I'm trying, dont you believe me?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'm traveling all the time, at the studio every night, writing songs, worrying about our relationship and Kelly at the same time. I'm tired and you being pissed at me isn't making it better." I said.

He was silent nodding his head. "Okay." I smiled a little. "Now can I get that kiss I've been dying for?" I asked. He smiled and leaned in to to kiss me, I met him the rest of the way and closed my eyes.

He grabbed the back of my neck and deepened the kiss. "Ew, okay get a room y'all please." We both pulled away and looked up to see Kori.

"Wassup Kori?"

Zion asked. Kori smirked and sat her plate of food on the table and pulled up a chair in front of us.

"Shit, y'all finally made up?" She asked. "Something like that but I'll have to wait till we get home." Zion said looking my way. I smirked.

"Y'all are disgusting." Kori said with a serious tone in her voice. We laughed. "So what you think about that new producer?" Kori asked me. I slightly rolled my eyes.

"What new producer?" Zion asked. I sighed. "This arrogant ass dude with fake ass blue eyes." I said. Kori laughed. "Their not fake, black people can have blue eyes." "Mhm." "He say something to you?" Zion asked.

I twisted my lips. "Maybe." Zion frowned. "I turnt him down, dont you trust me?" I asked. "I trust you, I dont trust dude ass. What's his name?" He asked. I sighed. "Khalil."

"Dont make me come up there and burn that bitch down." Zion said. "Okay baby calm down." I said. He huffed. "Fake ass nigga." "You dont even know him-" "I don't have to know, what exactly did he say to you?" Zion asked.

"Nothing important, I told him I was taken and thats that. Please don't do this here." I said. He did this every. Single. Time. We bring up a dude..Its like he gets insecure all of a sudden.

Kori looked up at up while eating her potato salad. "Did I struck a nerve?" She asked. "Goodbye Koriyon." I said. She smacked her lips. "Fine. I'll leave." She grabbed her plate and phone walking away.

I looked at Zion who was lost in space. "I didnt entertain him I swear." I said. He nodded his head and ran a hand down his face. "I believe you. I'm sorry." I nodded.

Unlove You ♡ pt.2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum