Part 15

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Jerry's POV


1 month later....

I've been focused on this damn campaign, that finding Annie has been put to the side. It's like her trace had disappeared 20 years ago. No census record, no credit cards history, no death certificate. She just vanished.

I sat at my desk, waiting for detective Bishop to come back with any new information. The two of us have been friends for many years and he was one of the few who knew of his and Annie's relationship all those years ago. I sat back and was about to close my eyes when the door swung open.

"Sir, Detective Bishop is here...should I send him in now," Sheri, my new assistant said. She was very timid quite different from my previous secretary. I waved for her to let him in. Bishop gave me his boisterous grin.

He was a tall man it took him only a few steps to reach my desk. We greeted each other with a hand shake. Bishop sat across from me in one of the two chairs that were in front of my desk.

"So how have you been? Its been a bit since I last heard for you," I said.

"I've been quite busy," that was understandable he was lead detective in his department, even at his age he still was as sharp as a whistle. "Don't worry there Jerry, I have been looking into Annie and your daughters relationship.'" I blew a sigh of relief.

"What did you find?" I blurted immediately, I had been waiting for awhile now.

"Nothing major... Annie went missing... that May of 1997, right outside of Macon. Georgia," He was relaying information I already new, " I talked to people who may have been in contact with her during that time to see if she was pregnant,"

"Well was she.." Bishop was always a detailed person. I just wanted to know if he found anything that helped.

"If she was she did a good job at hiding it, but I did see that she made calls to one particular person quite often. A Harry Coyd, does that name ring any bells?"

"No... what do you know about this guy.." I sounded desperate at this point. The election was coming up and my focus was on something that I thought I left in the past. Bishop must have noticed.

"Jerry... you don't need to stress over this, it's been over 20 years anything could have happened too her." He stood up from his seat, "what you guys had is in the past, you missed your chance with her... its time you moved on..." he gave me a concerned look.

"Don't you worry about me. Just find out what you can about this Coyd." He just sighed, nodded his head and left.

Mya's POV

"How's everything going so far at school" Dr. Coyd asked. He called every Wednesday at 4:45, to check in on me.

"Fine, you know you don't have to keep asking that question. If something drastic happens I'll inform you. I can promise you that." I sat at the lunch table, Alex had gotten up to use the restroom. Apparently he had some gastrointestinal problem... that he told me about against my will. We were studying for our chem test that Friday.

"You know I worry about you. Have you made any friends?"

"Yea, I have actually. More rage I thought I would." He knew about Kelly but, over the last month I had grown closer with Ryan, Dex, Alex, Lyra and even Deon. It was nice having people to rely on other that Dr. Coyd.

"Great... I was worried you'd wouldn't," Coyd was relieved. Growing up finding friends were difficult, and he knew that about me all to well.

"I need to get going my study partner is coming back," Alex was walking back to the table, not before tripping over someone's book bag though. I've grown use to the clumsiness, he was always in some sort of predicament, Kelly on the other hand couldn't stand it. The first time they met each other Alex accidentally copped a feel of Kelly's breast.

"That one was a doozy!" He was really forthcoming with what he does in the bathroom.

"Alex... sweetheart, I don't need to know that ok." I said in the sweetest voice possible, he is a really sensitive soul, "Let's finish this. I have work in a couple of hours and I'd like to get a nap in."

Ryan came up to us with a plate of food. Since that night at the restaurant he has done a complete change. Always there when I need him, it does get quite annoying but at the same time a really appreciate it.

"Hey Mya"

"Hey Ryan," I nodded my head towards Alex for him to speak to him as well.

"Oh.. sorry dude, whats up Alex," He raised his fist for a pound but Alex didn't get the hint and covered Ryan's fist with his hand. I was embarrassed for him.

"Sorry, I thought you were-"

"No its cool," Ryan went to sit directly across from me, like he usually did. "What are you working in," he was looking at my work scattered across the table.

"Chemistry, Alex here is helping me, the smartest kid in the class," Alex blushed at my compliment.

"He is... you know I have some calc... you can do for me," Ryan said between bites, bites of his chicken sandwich. How can someone make eating look so good. This past month I noticed Ryan even more, he was extremely good looking and since becoming friends I noticed how genuine of a guy he was.

"Yes!" Alex broke me from my thoughts. He seemed a little to excited with doing Ryan's work, "I mean yeah sure dude.. no big deal," He tried to play to cool now.

"You know he said do his work not help him out," Ryan threw a fry at me. I picked it up and ate it, "Don't let the pretty face fool you." I knew as soon as I said it I messed up, Ryan was caught of guard by my admission.

"Pretty face?" This guy wasn't going to let up. I thought his crush on me would let up, but the opposite actually happened, and me complimenting on  his appearance would only add fuel to the fire.

"You heard me, but don't get any ideas... Alex are you cool with being played?" I had to get the attention off of me, Ryan was still looking intently off of me.

"Mya... sweetheart don't worry about me," I know this boy didn't just take my line. Ryan just sat there shaking his head giggling.

"Fine. I need to get going anyway, " I proceeded to leave. Ryan gobbled down the rest of his food and flew from his seat.

"I'm done... I can walk with you... where are you headed to?"

"My room, then work," Ryan pursed his lips when I said work. I don't know what his problem was he and Dex are friends, and I work in the freaking library nothing even happens there.

"Okay I can walk you back... and if you want I can walk you to your dorm when you get off,"

"Ryan you are being really kind... but i get off at like 1:30 in the mooring, besides Dex usually walks be back anyway," He rolled his eyes.

"Why does the library even stay open that late?" 

"Its college, people need access to the library at all hours.. you would know that if you actually used it."

"Whatever lets just get going," We walked out of the lunchroom.

"Guys!..." We heard Alex scream. Ryan just gave him the peace sign, leaving Alex to clean up the mess.


Hope you enjoy!

Alex is finally back lol... and what does Dr .Coyd have to do with Annie and Mya...

Tell me what you think?

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