Juzo Sakakura x Reader

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Ballerina AU
As you can see, I'm not good with xReaders, but I'll try for the sake of my requesters <3

Tears can come in many different forms.


But when you meet someone who doesn't cry, you can't ever begin to understand their true emotions, right?
Well that's exactly what you did, and what you thought of him in the beginning.
The first time Juzo Sakakura ever walked through the those sleek wooden doors of your ballet practice, you wondered why such an attractive, body-building looking guy was doing in a place like this. He merely scanned the entire room until his cold gaze settled on you, specifically you, not the other dozen girls in the room, you.
And it all spiralled down from there, just as your usual warm-up routine was choreographed.

A small twirl, your first feeling of love.

The polka, gradually getting closer together until...

Abrabesque, your first kiss.

Allégro, your first intimacy.

And where you were now, in a finalizing courtesy looking out towards a stage in front of thousands of people. Juzo was right at the front, cold looking as ever but smiling just for you when he saw you peek through the purple shade of curtains. You got into position, centre stage with no one else to steal your spotlight this time. It was your stage.

You began prancing as gently as you could to the theme of Swan Lake, all the while remembering to sweep your gaze over him once in a while. Moving silently across a wooden stage wasn't as easy as it may seem, but somehow you managed to get by with only one creak breaking the sweet pitch of music surrounding your area. Juzo was looking at you blankly and without expression, and you began to worry. What if he hated your performance? Only stumbling over two steps after that thought you finished the routine, gracefully positioned on the floor in a swan-like manor and deliberately facing your lover with an outstretched arm that was just out of his reach, should he decide to try and hold it. You doubted he would, as he had looked very displeased during the last half. Anxiously you stood up and took a bow whilst absorbing all the applause you were being rewarded with, but none from Juzo. Beginning to feel tears swell up in your eyes, you hopped backstage as gracefully as you could before turning into an unenthusatic slob of a ballerina. You dragged your feet to the dressing room, tears slipping down your eyes as you realised you'd have to see your lover's disappointed face for the rest of the night.
You were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't notice the stranger you bumped right into. Looking up to apologise, you found that you were staring straight back into Juzo's eyes. You froze, beginning to cry for real.
Juzo looked alarmed and pulled you by the arm, entering your dressing room.

"What's wrong?"

You almost laughed.

"What's wrong...Why don't you tell me?"
"What do you-?"
"Why did you hate it so much, Juzo?"

Your lover looked thoroughly confused under his creased brows, but surely he must have known.

"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about"
"You do! Frowning, looking angry and disinterested for that matter. So why did you hate it so much? Was it because I was bad at dancing? Because I've always known that I wasn't the best-"

You were cut off by a pair of warm lips landing on yours, and you knew the feeling of them all too well. But for some reason, although being angry yourself at their owner, you couldn't pull away from their captivity over you.
Once they left the area of your face, they parted to speak.

"I hated you performing so beautifully in front of everyone else"

That was news to you.
You looked back up, this time guilty into your lovers eyes to find them filled with tears themselves. They glistened beautifully in the rays of light emitting from your room's electrical lamps.

"It was just so beautiful, I didn't want anyone else other than me to see it. You're amazing at dancing, never think otherwise".

You got pulled into a bonecrushing hug against Juzo's defined chest, and again you couldn't move. But this time, you didn't want to.
You wanted to stay there forever, floating on clouds of praise and in the embrace of your beloved.

"I'm sorry, I love you"

"I love you too"

So I'm cheesy, I know. If I could ask my requesters to do me a favour, if you have an xreader request send them mostly spacefanatic13 's way that'd be great. Of course I'll take them in if you're insistent on me doing them, but I think she's more capable 😂.
Right! Until next time


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