Crack Fic #1 KomaHina

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Hinata barged into Nagito's cabin with a package in his hand. He quickly gave it to the other, who opened it revealing a rather fluffy piece of clothing.
"If you're asking me to wear this, what exactly do I get out of-"
"Nagito, please. It's my wish"
The silver's questioning pose melted away immediately as he rushed into the changing rooms to throw on whatever Hinata had bought for him.
After resurfacing, he had discarded his usual outfit for that of a pink sheep onsie. Hinata couldn't help but start laughing, which turned into an entire fit of rolling on the hard floor almost choking with laughter.

Nagito just stood there, unamused with a growing blush.

Although he did giggle a bit, as he knew it counted towards Hinata's eventual blossom of hope.



Because I love these two bunnies
I might make a fanart of this...


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