Chapter five

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~Amaterasu Atsugu~

Amouri was here???

"Where's the shop?" I said, standing up.

"Two blocks down, take a left then the first right..... Why-"

"Tera?" An attractive brunette caught my eye. She smiled at me, coming in through the guild doors holding a bottle of strong beer.

"Cana!!" I said grinning, Amouri momentarily forgotten. I gave her a hug as soon as she got close enough.

"Nice to see you." Her eyes slanted mischievously when she saw Cobra. "You have a boyfriend?" My face reddened. Cobra raised his eyebrow, looking at me questionably.

"No, Cana!! Why does everyone care who I'm dating? I'm not dating anyone for your information." I sighed in exasperation.

"Mhm, sure." Cana slung her arm around my shoulder. "So where are you going?"

"Flower shop," I replied curtly. She nodded, going over to sit on a barstool. "Well, enjoy."

"Okay, thanks, Cana!" I waved as I ran out the door. Cana was one of my closest friends at Fairy Tail. Maybe it was because she had seen what I could become and still accepted me for it. Were it not for her, I would probably not have met Jellal or the rest of Crime Sorcière.

I darted around the street, narrowly avoiding shops. But as I turned left, like Lisanna told me to, I froze.

What had gotten into me?

Amouri was none of my concern, and with her experiences, she may not want to see me. All of a sudden, a jolting pain struck me in the back. I tripped headlong onto the ground. The street was deserted- it was near evening after all. A long figure stood a few paces away from me.

"You!" He barked. "Are you Amaterasu?"

"Why do you ask?" I got up slowly, brushing the dust off my clothing.

"It was you who destroyed my guild!" A big bulking figure came into the light. He had beady black eyes and a burn over his left cheek. Ah yes, he was the head of the guild Night Whispers. Cobra and I had just gone on a trip to destroy their guild the other week.

"Maybe I did, I can't quite remember... You were among a dozen or so dark guilds we got rid of." I tapped my chin thoughtfully, smirking at his enraged posture.

"You'll pay!" He charged, his hands lighting up in a green glow. I jumped back, and a burst of green light ignited the place where I once stood. I only managed to see the smirk on his face before green tendrils wrapped around my waist, squeezing.

"Gah!" I gasped, caught off guard. I slashed the glue like the rope with a short burst of light, but the remainder that was wrapped around my stomach protruded with sharp spines that dug into my stomach. I cough some blood up, before throwing the vines off. The guild leader smirked, before twirling his green rope-like object like a whip.

"It's over." He smiled coming level to me where I was kneeling. Unknown to him, I had healed the wound in my stomach.

"Not for me," I whispered before I thrust my hand, which I had elongated into claws, into his stomach. I turned, not caring whether he had fallen, but a thud told me he did. I wiped the blood off, not really wanting Jellal to see anything. My hand returned to normal. This power may be a curse, but it was also helpful in times of trouble. I've never mentioned, but the more powerful of my magic forced my appearance and personality into a completely maniacal, slightly psycho fighting machine. It's the way I was after Tartaros. I couldn't stop my split personality from taking over, but I could delay it by not using the more powerful forms of my power.

"I guess that's over." I sighed and walked slower to my destination. But when I felt something tug my leg, I knew he was still alive. Before I could react, I was thrown roughly into the air.


I was rammed into a brick wall somewhere off. The bricks had collapsed, and people scattered. I groaned and hoisted myself to my feet. I saw another pair of feet in front of me.

"You should go," I muttered, not looking up but healing myself. If the guild leader was alive, able to use magic, and in Magnolia, the civilians would have some trouble. The person in front of me didn't answer and didn't move. I sighed and flew up into the air, a flash of green below caught my eye. I dove straight down, in front of the dark guild master. He didn't even see the kick coming. Before he knew it, he was knocked out cold. I crossed my arm with satisfaction. A little blood had pooled around him because of his wound, but it could be healed. I heard footsteps coming from both directions. At the archway closest to the main street, some Council enforcement officers came, with magic handcuffs and weapons. They saw the dark guild leader, then me, then my guild mark. The Council knew better than to mess with Crime Sorcière, as I could tell from their nervous glances. Crime Sorcière was an independent guild. It didn't need to register with the Council, and could do as it pleased, but was not a dark guild either. The Council "policemen" left in a hurry with the Dark Guild leader in tow. I turned to the other archway, all the while saying,

"They've got him." But the words died in my throat when I realized who it was.

"A- Amouri?!!" I choked out, stunned. She looked healthier and even pretty. Her green hair was glossier, and her eyes shone with life, even though there was hidden pain. She seemed as equally surprised to see me.

"Tera?" She broke into a barely visible smile. I broke out of my shock as scoffed slightly.

"It's Amaterasu to you, Amouri." I nodded curtly.

Well, this was slightly awkward. Cobra could come about now, I thought.

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